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September 4, 1990
Volume 1, Number 1 of the first independent student newspaper on the CSUSM campus. The cover story, A New Frontier, discusses the Italianate style of the campus architecture. CSUSM President Bill Stacy is featured in an interview with the Pioneer…
February 5, 1991
Volume 1, Number 9 of the first independent student newspaper on the CSUSM campus. The cover story for this issue is War | Peace: Persian Gulf Update
The Pride
December 14, 1994
The Vol. 2, No. 7 issue of The Pride features an interview with CSUSM President Bill Stacy.
The Pride
February 21, 1996
The Vol. 3, No. 8 issue of The Pride discusses the benefits of passing proposition 203 for the CSUSM campus.
The Pride
February 13, 1997
The Pride's Vol. 4, No. 8 edition cover stories are about new racial incidents on the CSUSM campus.
The Pride
October 29, 1998
Vol. 6, No. 2 reports on student accident, campus parking and breast cancer exhibit (No. 1 is missing)
The Pride
February 1, 2000
Vol. 7, No. 16 reports on faculty and administration discussions on campus growth and Sulpizio Family donation.
Tags: campus growth, donation, spring 2000
The Pride
February 8, 2000
Vol. 7, No. 17 reports on the campus cheerleading squad, library building donations, parking and credit/no credit grading.
Tags: cheer, donation, grading, parking, spring 2000
The Pride
April 25, 2000
Vol. 7, No. 27 reports on a discrimination lawsuit brought against the campus, a donation by Qualcomm, the ASI elections, and one student's fight with the INS.
The Pride
November 18, 2003
Vol. 11, No. 10 includes articles on the move of the Early Learning Center to a proposed site on campus, summary of the Campus Equity Week activities, the elimination of paper course schedules, continued Coffee Hour social opportunities, and…
Tags: donation, Early Learning Center, faculty, fall 2003
The Pride
April 9, 2002
The Vol. 10, No. 9 edition of The Pride included coverage of the ASI election and the contract ratification by the CFA. Dr. Graham Oberem is the 2002 recipient of the Harry E. Brakebill Distinguished Professor Award and the athletic department is…
The Pride
September 10, 2002
The Pride's Vol. 10x, No. 2 edition highlights the grand opening of the new Arts and Science buildings, a Q&A on Islam, and irregularities with the CSUSM MBA program. (Note: This year was misidentified as Vol. 10 It should have been numbered Vol. 11,…
Tags: Arts, donation, Islam, Jean and W. Keith Kellogg II, MBA, Science Hall, The Dome
The Pride
February 1, 2005
This issue (Vol. 13, No. 3) reports on President Karen Haynes' report to the community, construction by University Hall, military servicemembers lost in Iraq, campus crime, and Mensa.
Tags: construction, donation, military, spring 2005
The Pride
November 14, 2006
Vol. 16, No. 13 reports on student research competition preparation, Veteran's Day activities, the midterm elections, Road Trip Nation's visit, Campus Police Teddy Bear Drive, and ASI food drive.
Tags: donation, fall 2006, politics, research, Veteran's Day