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- Tags: spring 1991
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May 14, 1991
Volume 1, Number 16 of the first independent student newspaper on the CSUSM campus. The Pioneer staff reports on student evaluations. Jose Chapman wins the Associate Student Presidential runoff election.
April 30, 1991
Volume 1, Number 15 of the first independent student newspaper on the CSUSM campus. A runoff election for the first CSUSM Associated Student President. The Pioneer presents the views of the two top candidates as well as uncontested election results.
April 16, 1991
Volume 1, Number 14 of the first independent student newspaper on the CSUSM campus. VOTE screams the cover story in orange as CSUSM holds the first student election.
April 2, 1991
Volume 1, Number 13 of the first independent student newspaper on the CSUSM campus. The cover story highlights the seven awards won by the fledgling newspaper at the California Inter-Collegiate Press Association's 42nd annual statewide conference.
March 19, 1991
Volume 1, Number 12 of the first independent student newspaper on the CSUSM campus. The cover story is about the campus starting to take shape as construction continues on the former poultry ranch.
The Writing Center organized by English…
The Writing Center organized by English…
March 5, 1991
Volume 1, Number 11 of the first independent student newspaper on the CSUSM campus. The cover story is about the recent storms that have rained down on campus. Inside the paper is a story about the recent activity to hire faculty campus-wide.
February 19, 1991
Volume 1, Number 10 of the first independent student newspaper on the CSUSM campus. Cal State San Marcos and the California's proposed budget cuts are the cover story for this issue of the paper.
February 5, 1991
Volume 1, Number 9 of the first independent student newspaper on the CSUSM campus. The cover story for this issue is War | Peace: Persian Gulf Update