The Pride
The Pride was published from November 1993 until November 2011 when the paper was renamed The Cougar Chronicle. Use the links below to browse issues of The Pride.
The Pride
November 5, 1993
Learn how to make the most of your degree from the cover story of The Pride, Vol. 1, No. 3. The story includes entry level annual salaries for…
The Pride
November 19, 1993
Vol. 1, No. 4 of The Pride features a cover story with Provost Richard Millman.
The Pride
December 3, 1993
An interview with CSUSM President Bill Stacy is the cover story of the Vol. 1, No. 5 issue of The Pride. Volunteering is a featured story inside the…
The Pride
January 28, 1994
The Vol. 1, No. 6 issue of The Pride includes articles on California student enrollment, book prices, and Student Health Services programs.
The Pride
February 11, 1994
Vol. 1, No. 7 of The Pride updates the campus on the earthquake damage to CSU Northridge and the collaboration with the Center for Reproduction of…
The Pride
February 25, 1994
Campus recreation and the first Volunteer Day at CSUSM are featured articles in the Vol. 1, No. 8 edition of The Pride. (note: misidentified as Vol.…
The Pride
March 11, 1994
The Vol. 1, No. 9 issue of The Pride features a cover story about the 2nd Annual Pow Wow to be held in the student parking lot.
The Pride
April 8, 1994
Vol. 1, No. 10 of The Pride cover articles are about the future campus childcare facility and the upcoming 7th Annual University Ball.
The Pride
April 22, 1994
Vol. 1, No. 11 of the Pride features Dr. Isabel Schon and the books of the Center for the Study of Books in Spanish for Children and Adolescents…
The Pride
September 7, 1994
Vol. 2, No. 1 of The Pride cover stories look at the next stage of construction on campus and the "Questival."
The Pride
September 21, 1994
Vol. 2, No. 2 The Associated Students, Inc. is in business, student government is now a non-profit business registered with the state. Mulching on…
The Pride
October 5, 1994
Vol. 2, No. 3 of The Pride explores the two sides of Proposition 187. The psychology graduate program begins at CSUSM.
The Pride
October 19, 1994
Vol. 2, No. 4, of The Pride highlights the university's first dance recital. Cal State San Marcos' Questival comes to campus.
The Pride
November 2, 1994
Vol. 2, No. 5 of the Pride addresses the Craven controversy and whether his name should be removed from Craven Hall. University police are concerned…
The Pride
November 16, 1994
Vol 2, No. 6 of The Pride reviews the results of the state and student elections.
The Pride
December 14, 1994
The Vol. 2, No. 7 issue of The Pride features an interview with CSUSM President Bill Stacy.
The Pride
March 6, 1995
Vol. 2, No. 8 of The Pride has a cover story Q & A with Sociology professor Sharon Elise about affirmative action and the proposed California Civil…
The Pride
September 20, 1995
Vol. 3, No. 1 features a cover story on the first freshman class of the Cal State San Marcos campus.
The Pride
October 4, 1995
The cover story of the Vol. 3, No. 2 issue of The Pride is an article about the recent Arts and Lectures presentation by Nobel laureate Kary Mullis.…
The Pride
October 18, 1995
Native American Spirit and the Annual CSUSM Pow Wow is highlighted in the cover story of the Vol. 3, No. 3 edition of The Pride.
The Pride
November 1, 1995
Vol. 3, No. 4 addresses the use of the federal Social Security number as a student identification tool.
The Pride
November 17, 1995
In the Vol. 3, No. 5 of The Pride, the cover story reports the first serious crime on campus.
The Pride
November 29, 1995
Vol. 4, No. 6 of The Pride looks at the current campus policy related to the selling of for on campus.
The Pride
February 21, 1996
The Vol. 3, No. 8 issue of The Pride discusses the benefits of passing proposition 203 for the CSUSM campus.
The Pride
March 6, 1996
Financial Aid fraud is the subject of the Vol. 3, no. 9 edition of The Pride.
The Pride
March 20, 1996
The Vol. 3, No. 10 cover story is about the theft of a television monitor, part of a art display in the library.
The Pride
April 15, 1996
Vol. 3, No. 10a ASI Election Edition (Labeled as Election Special Vol. 1, No. 1)
The Pride
May 1, 1996
The cover story of the Vol. 3, No. 11 edition of The Pride relays ASI election results.
The Pride
September 18, 1996
The Vol. 4, No. 1 issue is packed with important issues for CSUSM students; a new director for the campus health services, a proposed commuter train,…
The Pride
October 2, 1996
Vol. 4, No. 2 of The Pride highlights the Annual Pow Wow and the campus career fair.
The Pride
October 16, 1996
Racism and racist incidents on campus are the subject of the Vol. 4, No. 3 edition of The Pride.
The Pride
October 30, 1996
Vol. 4, No.4 of The Pride covers the $1 million donation by Keith and Jean Kellogg for a permanent library on the CSUSM campus. NOTE: front page is a…
The Pride
November 13, 1996
The Vol. 4, No. 5 issue of The Pride highlights the new Closed Circuit TV system on campus. In other news, acclaimed author Rudolf Anaya is set to…
The Pride
November 27, 1996
The Vol. 4, No. 6 issue of The Pride cover story is about the continuing racial incidents and a "hostile working environment" on the CSUSM campus.
The Pride
February 13, 1997
The Pride's Vol. 4, No. 8 edition cover stories are about new racial incidents on the CSUSM campus.
The Pride
February 27, 1997
Vol 4, No. 9 of The Pride features History professor Joan Gunderson interviewed about her new book, "To Be Useful in the World."
The Pride
March 27, 1997
One cover story from the Vol. 4, No. 11 edition of The Pride is about the dedication of the Cesar Chavez statue on the Cal State San Marcos campus.
The Pride
April 24, 1997
The Vol. 4, No. 13 issue of The Pride cover stories address the run off race for AS President, and ongoing threats to cultural diversity efforts from…
The Pride
May 8, 1997
Vol. 4, No. 14 of The Pride announces results of the AS President run off election.
The Pride
September 30, 1997
Vol. 5, No. 1 of The Pride examines the continuing parking problems and the outlook for the new year with the Associated Students of CSUSM.
The Pride
October 14, 1997
Vol. 5, No. 2 of The Pride discusses the ongoing construction on campus of International Hall.
The Pride
October 27, 1997
The Vol. 5, No. 3 cover story of The Pride explains the Halloween holiday.
The Pride
November 11, 1997
The Vol. 5, No. 4 edition of The Pride features an article on the California Education Technology Initiative Corporation (CETI)
The Pride
November 25, 1997
Sex, Money, and 'The Net'... is the cover story of the Vol. 5, No. 5 edition of The Pride.
The Pride
December 9, 1997
The Pride interviews CSUSM President Alexander Gonzalez in the Vol. 5, No. 6 issue of The Pride.
The Pride
February 19, 1998
Vol. 5, No. 6 of The Pride presents cover stories on the opening of the Early Learning Center and campus housing.
The Pride
March 5, 1998
The Vol. 5, No. 8 edition of The Pride featured cover stories on the library, proposed increases to the athletics fees, and wait times for the…
The Pride
March 19, 1998
Faculty recruitment and "giving back" are the subject of the Vol. 5, No. 9 issue cover stories of The Pride.
The Pride
April 2, 1998
The Vol. 5, No. 10 edition of The Pride addresses possible fee increases and the use of technology for research options in the library.
The Pride
April 30, 1998
The cover of the Vol. 5, No. 11 issue of The Pride shares articles on student apathy, enrollment, scholarships, and new athletic fields on the campus.
The Pride
May 14, 1998
The first Harry E. Brakebill Distinguished Professor is revealed in the Vol. 5, No. 12 edition of The Pride.
The Pride
October 15, 1998
Vol. 6, No. 1 covers the appointment of Alexander Gonzalez as permanent president of CSUSM by the CSU Board of Trustees. Coverage of the nearby brush…
The Pride
October 29, 1998
Vol. 6, No. 2 reports on student accident, campus parking and breast cancer exhibit (No. 1 is missing)
The Pride
December 3, 1998
Vol. 6, No. 4 reports on faculty salary contract negotiations, the Early Learning Center, accessbility issues and science fair.
The Pride
August 30, 1999
The Vol. 7, No. 1 edition of The Pride features articles on the National Latino Research Center coming to CSUSM, construction, and beginning the…
The Pride
September 7, 1999
The inauguration of CSUSM President Gonzalez was featured on the cover of the Vol. 7, No. 2 of The Pride.
The Pride
September 13, 1999
Increased faculty workloads and the CFA response are a subject of a cover story on the Vol. 7, No. 3 issue of The Pride.
The Pride
September 20, 1999
The Vol. 7, No. 4 edition of The Pride highlights the campus' Mexican Independence Celebration.
The Pride
September 27, 1999
The anticipated completion of the Twin Oaks Bridge and CSUSM 10th Anniversary Open House are cover stories in the Vol. 7, No. 5 issue of The Pride.
The Pride
October 4, 1999
The Vol. 7, No. 7 edition of The Pride features a story on the Child Trot Fest, a fund raiser for the ASI Early Learning Center. (note: misidentified…
The Pride
October 11, 1999
"Che" Guevera and Republican politics shared space on the cover of the Vol. 7, No. 7 edition of The Pride.
The Pride
October 18, 1999
The Vol. 7, No. 8 edition of The Pride, looks at budgets and ongoing problems with vandalism on campus.
The Pride
October 25, 1999
Campus events including poetry readings and parking share the cover of the Vol. 7, No. 9 edition of The Pride.
The Pride
November 1, 1999
The Vol. 7, No. 10 edition of The Pride featured parking, learning skills to defend against rape and a live broadcast of former Mayor Roger…
The Pride
November 8, 1999
Events of the week - films, bands, training, and Dia de los Muertos are featured in the Vol. 7, No. 11 edition of The Pride.
The Pride
November 15, 1999
Academic Senate resolutions and the funding of campus activities through ASI fees are addressed in the Vol. 7, No. 12 f The Pride.
The Pride
November 22, 1999
Recycling, the campus Upward Bound program, and MEChA were part of the featured cover articles of the Vol. 7, No. 12 edition of The Pride. (note: This…
The Pride
November 30, 1999
The Vol. 7, No. 14 issue of The Pride features an article on the Bree Tinney Memorial Scholarship Auction, AIDS Awareness Week, campus housing for…
The Pride
December 6, 1999
The Vol. 7, No. 15 edition of The Pride reported on the speakers for World AIDS Day on campus.
The Pride
February 1, 2000
Vol. 7, No. 16 reports on faculty and administration discussions on campus growth and Sulpizio Family donation.
The Pride
February 8, 2000
Vol. 7, No. 17 reports on the campus cheerleading squad, library building donations, parking and credit/no credit grading.
The Pride
February 14, 2000
Vol. 7, No. 18 addresses parking enforcement, student clubs, and the campus mission statement.
The Pride
February 21, 2000
Vol. 7, No. 19 covers religious freedom, computing policy and African American History Month.
The Pride
February 29, 2000
Vol. 7, No. 20 looks at abuses in disabled parking, future new buildings, graduation requirements, and the propositions on the upcoming ballot.
The Pride
March 7, 2000
Vol. 7, No. 21 includes articles on Black History Month observations, "I'm Going to College", the mail order brides exhibit and Proposition 21.
The Pride
March 13, 2000
Vol. 7, No. 22 reports on Parking Services, the Latino Research Center, upcoming Presidential primary and propositions.
The Pride
March 21, 2000
Vol. 7, No. 23 reports on the Chancellor and CFA's perspectives on the state of the CSU system, transfer student conference and the teaching…
The Pride
April 4, 2000
Vol. 7, No. 24 reports on the impact of rising gas prices, remedial education at university level and memorializes Cesar Chavez.
The Pride
April 11, 2000
Vol. 7, No. 25 features adjunct faculty grievances, Twin Oaks Valley bridge widening, and the campus Greek system.
The Pride
April 18, 2000
Vol. 7, No. 26 reports on the ASI election controversy, job fair and continued coverage on Greek life.
The Pride
April 25, 2000
Vol. 7, No. 27 reports on a discrimination lawsuit brought against the campus, a donation by Qualcomm, the ASI elections, and one student's fight with…
The Pride
May 2, 2000
Vol. 7, No. 28 includes continuing coverage of a campus discrimination lawsuit, ASI election results, a report on a nearby traffic fatality, and…
The Pride
May 9, 2000
Vol. 7, No. 29 covers VPAA Karas' resignation, the ILOVEYOU computer virus, library construction, and Greek life for minorities.
The Pride
May 16, 2000
Vol. 7, No. 30 includes coverage of the Student Leadership Awards, first campus observations of Carnival and Yom HaShoa'h, and information on sun…
The Pride
August 29, 2000
Vol. 8, No. 1 covers the new "stack parking", the first Guelaguetza festival held at CSUSM, campus safety, new CoBA Dean Moustafa, dealing with stress…
The Pride
September 5, 2000
Vol. 8, No. 2 covers new student email system, Welcome Week, the continuing construction on the Twin Oaks Valley bridge, women's soccer, political…
The Pride
September 12, 2000
Vol. 8, No. 3 reports on the continued physical growth of the campus, Evers Laptop Scholarship, the Academic Hall clock, political issues and an…
The Pride
September 19, 2000
Vol. 8, No. 4 reports on stack parking, student union referendum vote, the lowering of graduation requirements, health fair, and campus budget.
The Pride
September 26, 2000
Vol. 8, No. 5 includes stories on faculty workload grievance, student algae discovery in local lagoon, infrastructure growth, the Barahona Center,…
The Pride
October 3, 2000
Vol. 8, No. 6 covers LGBQT CSUSM experiences, interviews new Dean of Students Jonathan Poullard, local sites of interest such as Jack's Pond, Cougar…
The Pride
October 10, 2000
Vol. 8, No. 7 includes reporting on the Pow Wow, blood drive, Inter-Club Committee, Chancellor Charles Reed's visit, national and local political…
The Pride
October 17, 2000
Vol. 8. No. 8 reports on grading curves, Student Union fee approved, faculty workload grievances, ant infestation, interview with staffer Corky Lee,…
The Pride
October 24, 2000
Vol. 8, no.9 feature stories include the Second Child Trot to benefit the ASI Early Learning Center, the move of the campus free speech location,…
The Pride
October 31, 2000
Vol. 8, No. 10 is a special political edition as well as covering Dan Guillou, CSUSM student and paralympic athelete, Arts and Sciences buildings…
The Pride
November 7, 2000
Vol. 8, No.11 features local candidates' visit, global warming research, breast cancer awareness, Veteran's Day, and a memorial to Denise A. Vasseur,…
The Pride
November 14, 2000
Vol. 8. No. 12 covers the aftermath of the 2000 presidential election, campus shuttle service, local student Paralympic participant, and the…
The Pride
November 28, 2000
Vol. 8, No. 6 (note: this edition is misidentified as No. 6, it should be No. 13 of Volume 8) reports on disability awareness training, student…
The Pride
December 5, 2000
Vol. 8. No. 14 includes stories on "confrontational evangelicals" on campus, the CAPI Program for high school students, Japanese Culture Day, stress…
The Pride
December 12, 2000
Vol. 8, No. 5 (note: this edition is misidentified as No. 5, it should be No. 15 of Volume 8) examines the American Language and Culture Institute,…
The Pride
February 6, 2001
Vol. 8, No. 16 includes stories on student housing, debunking the prison architect myth, Craven Hall renovation, the donation of Congressman Ronald…
The Pride
February 13, 2001
Vol. 8, No. 17 interviews a CSUSM student and granddaughter of Cesar Chavez, the lack of student housing during transition to dorms, "V-Day" against…
The Pride
February 20, 2001
Vol. 8, No. 18 reports on Oceanside Mayor Terry Johnson as keynote to the Black History Month breakfast, parking expansion of Lot E, faculty and…
The Pride
February 27, 2001
Vol. 8, No. 19 covers Black History Month celebrations, energy conservation on campus, year round schooling and new fee structure, club fundraising…
The Pride
March 6, 2001
Vol. 8, No. 20 published articles on Women's History Month activities, the death of a CSUSM staffer's son, year-round operations, an interview with…
The Pride
March 13, 2001
Vol. 8, No. 21 features include recent school shootings, a look at the recreation fee and upcoming Cesar Chavez celebration plans.
The Pride
March 20, 2001
Vol. 8, No. 22 reports on disaster and emergency preparedness, the opening of the National Latino Research Center, graduation tips, fee hike at the…
The Pride
March 27, 2001
Topics covered in the Vol. 8, No. 23 issue include a story on one student's experience with the withdrawal policy, a lecture by Sara Spearling on…
The Pride
April 10, 2001
Vol. 8, No. 24 covers the first Cesar Chavez "Day of Learning" and more on Cesar Chavez, course offering at Southwest Riverside location, attempted…
The Pride
April 17, 2001
Vol. 8, No. 25 includes coverage on the upcoming ASI elections and future of online voting system, student poetry reading, year-round operations begin…
The Pride
April 24, 2001
Rain postpones Preview Day Springfest, student research winners announced, Cesar Chavez celebration, CSU approves the College of Business building to…
The Pride
May 1, 2001
Vol. 8, No. 27 reports on the ASI candidate forum, job fair, faculty contract negotiations, library building groundbreaking, local protests regarding…
The Pride
May 8, 2001
Vol. 8, No. 28 includes reporting on Springfest and Caribbean Festival activities, ASI election results, Cinco de Mayo celebration, campus water tank…
The Pride
May 15, 2001
Vol. 8, No. 29 features reporting on student leadership and community service award events, campus K-12 outreach, local building growth, and Professor…
The Pride
May 22, 2001
Vol. 8, No. 30 reports on the move of Commencement to off-campus sites, MEChA conference, CSUSM students' visit to NASA, and lectures by Holocaust…
The Pride
May 29, 2001
Vol. 8, No. 30 (mis-numbered issue, should be issue no. 31 of Vol. 8) features a story about Henry Rodriguez ("Uncle Henry"), Luiseño elder receiving…
The Pride
August 28, 2001
Vol. 9. No. 1 of The Pride questions the upcoming graduation location, construction damage, and the second Guelaguetza Festival.
The Pride
September 4, 2001
The Vol. 9, No. 2 edition of The Pride reports on the campus computer upgrade, welcome week, and the ASI board meeting. Del Mar Fairgrounds was…
The Pride
September 13, 2001
Special Edition of The Pride, Vol. 9, No. 3.5 reports on the 9/11 terrorist attacks and the response locally and across the nation.
The Pride
September 25, 2001
Vol. 9, No. 5 of The Pride features articles on the ASI daycare plans, pending threats of a strike by faculty, student response for victims of the 911…
The Pride
October 2, 2001
The Ninth Annual Pow Wow, new leadership for the General Education Writing (GEW) Program, and campus traffic accidents share the cover of the Vol. 9,…
The Pride
October 9, 2001
The Vol. 9, No. 7 edition of The Pride splits the cover stories among The Pow Wow celebration, a power outage, and a blood drive on campus.
Masquerade Ball 2001
October 9, p.5
Announcement of a date change for the first Masquerade Ball,, delaying beyond Homecoming Week.
The Pride
October 16, 2001
Activist Angela Davis comes to campus in The Pride's Vol. 9, No. 8 edition. Some students boycott her lecture, while others are intrigued by her…
The Pride
October 23, 2001
The Vol. 9, No. 9 edition of The Pride reported an anthrax scare on campus, an open forum on racism, community building, and a peace meditation.
The Pride
October 30, 2001
Vol. 9, No. 10 of The Pride features Articles on discrimination lawsuits, a faculty grievance teach-in, and anticipated repairs to the Foundation…
The Pride
November 6, 2001
Vol. 9, No. 11 of the Pride features reports on the campus job fair, the Ethnic Studies Program and the Dia de los Muertos/Day of the Dead…
The Pride
November 13, 2001
Vol. 9, No. 12 of The Pride features articles on the ASI 10th Anniversary celebration, discrimination lawsuits and Veterans' Day events.
Masquerade Ball 2001
November 13 pg.1
An account of the first Masquerade Ball, held at the Escondido Center of the Arts.
The Pride
November 27, 2001
The Vol. 9, No. 13 edition of The Pride features articles on the last scheduled winter session, Japanese Culture Week, and a Greek drive for…
The Pride
December 4, 2001
The cover stories of the Vol. 9, No. 14 of The Pride include the campus Native American Heritage Celebration, the approval of campus housing and…
The Pride
December 11, 2001
Vol. 9, No. 15 included articles on a campus environmental fair, an update on the repairs to the Foundation Classroom Building, a campus survey and a…
The Pride
February 5, 2002
Vol. 9, No. 15 of The Pride reported on new requirements for student visas in the wake of 9/11, the future of the campus, and national recycling…
The Pride
February 12, 2002
The Vol. 10, No. 2 editions of The Pride cover reported on changes within the ASI staff, parking changes including increased fees, and the appointment…
The Pride
February 19, 2002
The Vol. 10, No. 3 issue of The Pride reported on the death of "Uncle Henry" Rodriguez. The proposed parking proposal has been dropped, Student Health…
The Pride
February 26, 2002
In the Vol. 10, No. 4 edition of The Pride, are articles about Upward Bound, sexuality classes at UC-Berkeley, the construction of apartments close to…
The Pride
March 5, 2002
The Vol. 10, No. 5 edition of The Pride reported the death of Computer Science professor Dr. Hung-Yu Lin. Also covered were the upcoming ASI…
The Pride
March 12, 2002
The negotiations between the California Faculty Association (CFA) and the CSU system are highlighted on the cover of the Vol. 10, No. 6 edition of The…
The Pride
March 19, 2002
Cover stories of the Vol. 10, No. 7 edition of The Pride included a report on the CSUSM Women's Resource Fair, new course withdrawal guidelines, and…
The Pride
April 9, 2002
The Vol. 10, No. 9 edition of The Pride included coverage of the ASI election and the contract ratification by the CFA. Dr. Graham Oberem is the 2002…
The Pride
April 16, 2002
Vol. 10, No. 10 of The Pride reports on celebrations for Cesar E. Chavez and "Uncle Henry" Rodriguez. The new shopping center is now open across from…
The Pride
April 23, 2002
The Vol. 10, No. 11 edition of The Pride reported on a fundraising concert, Earth Day events, and a response from the library to student suggestions.
The Pride
April 30, 2002
Vol. 10, No. 12 of The Pride includes reporting on the CSUSM job fair, a tentative agreement between the CSU and the California State Employees…
The Pride
May 7, 2002
The Vol. 13, No. 13 edition of The Pride included reporting on history students presenting at a regional conference, construction funding for the new…
The Pride
May 14, 2002
The cover of the Vol. 10, No. 14 of The Pride reports on the Cougar Track Team 15-person entry into the National Association of Intercollegiate…
The Pride
May 21, 2002
Vol. 13, No. 15 of The Pride reported on the Collaborative Academic Preparation Initiative (CAPI), Asian Pacific Heritage Month, and a Small Press…
The Pride
September 3, 2002
The Vol. 10x, No. 1 issue of The Pride features the Cougars Surf Team and the ongoing construction of the campus.
(Note: This year was…
The Pride
September 10, 2002
The Pride's Vol. 10x, No. 2 edition highlights the grand opening of the new Arts and Science buildings, a Q&A on Islam, and irregularities with the…
The Pride
September 17, 2002
The cover of the Vol. 10x, No. 3 edition of The Pride reports on campus parking and the death of a CSUSM student missing since September 4. (Note:…
The Pride
September 24, 2002
San Marcos Skate Parks and the launch of an Inter-Continental Ballistic Missile (ICBM) from Vandenberg Air Force Base dominate the Vol. 10x, No. 4…
The Pride
October 1, 2002
Vol. 10x, No. 5 announces the continuation of curb parking, tips to avoid getting the flu, and the tenure faculty ceremony held on September 25th.…
The Pride
October 8, 2002
The Vol. 10x, No. 6 edition of The Pride reports on the 10th Annual Tukwut Pow Wow, AIDS testing at the Student Health Services as well as…
The Pride
October 15, 2002
The Vol. 10x, No. 7 edition of The Pride reported on the AVID conference held on campus, a Veterans' Association BBQ, and a problematic game of Cal…
The Pride
October 22, 2002
The Pride Vol. 10x, No. 8 edition reports on a new "convenience fee" to use credit cards for student payments, activist Jonathan Kozol is scheduled to…
The Pride
October 29, 2002
The Vol. 10x, No. 9 issue of the Pride reports on the celebration of Filipino-American History Month and some "tricks" to getting into medical school.…
The Pride
November 5, 2002
The Vol. 10x, No. 10 edition of The Pride features reporting on the 8th Annual Dia de los Muertos celebration as well as President Gonzalez' response…
The Pride
November 12, 2002
This issue of The Pride (Vol. 10x, No. 11) has a focus on the Arts. The Women's Rites Symposium ended with a showing of the documentary film,…
The Pride
November 19, 2002
The Veterans' Day Celebration is the focus of the cover of the Vol. 10x, No. 12 issue of The Pride. Also featured in this edition was the MBA Alumni…
The Pride
December 3, 2002
Growing pains on campus in the Registration and Administration areas, the Fall Graduation Reception, and international education are featured in the…
The Pride
December 10, 2002
The dilemma of PeopleSoft software package and its' effects to the CSU, and ASI movie night problems lead the articles in the Vol. 10x, No. 14 edition…
The Pride
January 28, 2003
The Vol. 10x, No. 16 of The Pride contains articles about the continuing parking issues on campus, anti-war protests, another power outage, the ASI…
The Pride
February 4, 2003
The Challenger Disaster dominated the coverage of the Vol. 10x, No. 16 edition of The Pride. Some of the other stories inside the pages focused on…
The Pride
February 11, 2003
Parking is a burning issue at the State of the Campus Address as reported in the Vol. 10x, No. 18 of The Pride. Recycling, military students, class…
The Pride
February 18, 2003
Vol. 10x, No. 19 reports on the controversy surrounding removal and reinstatement of an ASI representative. Other articles report on Black History…
The Pride
February 25, 2003
Vol. 10x, No. 20 of The Pride has two articles about funding above the fold; the Federal Financial Aid deadline and the issues with the California…
The Pride
March 4, 2003
The Vol. 10x, No. 21 edition of The Pride reports on a talk by Nobel Prize winning economist Douglass C. North, campus ASI leaders attendance a t the…
The Pride
March 11, 2003
The results are in The Pride, Vol. 10x, No. 22! The 2002 National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE) gives CSUSM high marks in a number of…
The Pride
March 18, 2003
A personal account of the impact of the budget cuts appears as the cover story of The Prides' Vol. 10x, No. 23 edition. President Alexander Gonzalez…
The Pride
March 25, 2003
Parking, and the upcoming parking fee increases take up much of the cover of this edition of the paper. The Pride (Vol. 10x. No. 24) also reports on…
The Pride
April 8, 2003
The Vol. 10x, No. 25 edition of The Pride includes articles on suicide awareness, tuition costs and civil liberties in light of the current war with…
The Pride
April 15, 2003
In the Vol. 10x, No. 26 issue of The Pride, an article on the recent War Debate held on campus hosted by the College Republicans and the Progressive…
The Pride
April 22, 2003
The cover stories of the Vol. 10x, No. 27 edition of The Pride highlight what could happen to the paper in light of budget cuts and opportunities at…
The Pride
April 29, 2003
Nominations for the Harry E. Brakebill Outstanding Professor award are due, a job fair, and a event with California State Senator Dennis Hollingsworth…
The Pride
May 6, 2003
Ride sharing, social issues, and the CSU's procurement of PeopleSoft, along with a list of the graduating seniors finish out the Vol. 10x, No. 29…
The Pride
September 16, 2003
Vol. 11, No. 1 covers local textbook retailer, the opening of the Clarke Field House, enrollment pressures, the new dorms (University Village), an…
The Pride
September 23, 2003
Vol. 11, No. 2 reports on the delay of the new library opening, declining voter registration, the status of parking, campus safety, Disabled Student…
The Pride
September 30, 2003
Politics are a focus of this issue (Vol. 11, No. 3) as well as a protest against SUVs led by the Progressive Activist Network, music file sharing…
The Pride
October 7, 2003
Vol. 11, No. 4 covers the Powwow, poor turnout to meet the Dean of Students, free speech and the "78 magazine", and the Proposition 54 forum.
The Pride
October 14, 2003
Vol. 11, No. 5 covers politics, California Faculty Association's stance on the CSU budget, barriers to clubs showing films, activities at the Clarke…
The Pride
October 21, 2003
Vol. 11, No. 6 reports on three candidates for the CSUSM president position, grocery store strike, car-buying advice, interview with student Nichole…
The Pride
October 28, 2003
Vol. 11, No. 7 addresses free speech on campus through the actions on National Day of Protest Against Police Brutality. Announcement of the…
The Pride
November 4, 2003
Vol. 11, No.8 focuses on the wildfires around campus and San Diego, ensuing campus closure, cleanup and resources for victims.
The Pride
November 11, 2003
Vol. 11, No.9 published stories about Campus Equity Week for adjunct faculty, summaries of the campus presidential candidates' visits, calls for fire…
The Pride
November 18, 2003
Vol. 11, No. 10 includes articles on the move of the Early Learning Center to a proposed site on campus, summary of the Campus Equity Week activities,…
The Pride
November 25, 2003
News reports in Vol. 11, No. 11 on the selection of Karen S. Haynes as campus president, death of College of Business student in Cedar Fire, and…
The Pride
December 2, 2003
Vol. 11, No. 12 informs readers of the transition activities of newly-selected President Karen S. Haynes, alcohol and AIDS awareness training, ASI's…
The Pride
December 9, 2003
Vol. 11, No. 13 examines the state of the Women and Ethnic Studies departments, reaction to online course schedules and registration, an upcoming…
The Pride
January 20, 2004
Vol. 11, No. 11 (note: this edition is misidentified as No. 11, it should be No. 14 of Volume 11.) welcomes back students with the new library and…
The Pride
January 27, 2004
Vol. 11, No. 15 covers the ASI Board resolution for an environmental course requirement, CFA on the state budget, fire in Academic Hall, the Kellogg…
The Pride
February 3, 2004
An interview with new campus president, Karen S. Haynes is on the front page of Vol. 11, No. 16 with dismal budget forecast from Chancellor Charles…
The Pride
February 10, 2004
Vol. 11, No. 17 takes a look at CalGrants, campus recycling efforts, Propositions 55, 57 and 58, male enhancement advertising, and El Camino High…
The Pride
February 17, 2004
Articles in the Vol. 11, No. 18 issue include Lobby Corps presentations on clean money in politics, voter registration, local property development,…
The Pride
February 24, 2004
Vol. 11, No. 19 has articles on budget cut protests, MEChA conference, textbook price report, Black History Month, and a look at local business, Stone…
The Pride
March 2, 2004
This issue (Vol. 11, No. 20) covers California Faculty Association actions to save lecturer positions, reaction to Gibson's "Passion of the Christ", a…
The Pride
March 9, 2004
Vol. 11, No. 21 focuses on travel with articles on Study Abroad opportunities, travel to Israel, Puerto Rico, German and Spain, and interviews…
The Pride
March 16, 2004
Vol. 11, No. 22 covers a proposed Student Health Services fee, ASI election slate, Part Two of the series on College of Education budget cuts, CoE…
The Pride
March 23, 2004
This issue (Vol. 11, No. 23) covers role playing games, Early Learning Center protest over funding cuts and proposed fee, action for sustainable…
The Pride
April 6, 2004
Vol. 11, No. 24 reports on the continuation of summer classes and ASI election results. Much of the issue is devoted to student fees, parking woes and…
The Pride
April 13, 2004
Vol. 11, No. 25 includes articles on campus vandalism, dorm summer housing, continued discussion of the Early Learning Center, fee increase proposal…
The Pride
April 20, 2004
Vol. 11, No. 26 reports on research across campus, job fair, budget cuts for the College of Arts & Sciences, summer studies in Mexico, evacuation of…
The Pride
April 27, 2004
This issue (No. 27 of Vol. 11) reports on the ASI decision for a fee referendum for the Early Learning Center, student protests against budget cuts,…
The Pride
May 4, 2004
Vol. 11, No. 28 looks at several graduating students and their plans, Commencement plans and the change to two ceremonies held off campus. Names of…
The Pride
August 31, 2004
This first issue of the fall semester (Vol. 12, No. 1) features stories on Discount Campus Books, President Karen Haynes' plans for her first full…
The Pride
September 7, 2004
Vol. 12, No. 2, notes the campus' 15th anniversary, increase in the CSU budget, Cruisin' Grand, class crashers, and an interview with language…
The Pride
September 14, 2004
Coverage of the cancellation of Michael Moore's lecture, convenience fee for student registration by credit card, Casino Night, and health services…
The Pride
September 21, 2004
Vol. 12, No. 4 continues coverage on Michael Moore's cancellation, debate between College Republicans and Progressive Activist Network, budget…
The Pride
September 28, 2004
Vol. 13, No. [5] was handwritten by staff to get published due to office move. This issue reports on protests surrounding the cancellation of Michael…
The Pride
October 5, 2004
Vol. 12, No. 6 reports on ticket sales for Michael Moore's lecture, building issues at University Village, construction of the College of Business…
The Pride
October 12, 2004
This issue (Vol. 12, No. 7) informs readers about potential reinstatement of selective service, the possible closure of the Early Learning Center due…
The Pride
October 19, 2004
The paper reports on Michael Moore's lecture and scholarship as well as related protest, a rain-soaked job fair, Relay for life held on campus, and…
The Pride
October 26, 2004
Vol, 12, No. 9 announces the Early Learning Center referendum passes, proposition debates on campus, the celebration to start the College of Business…
The Pride
November 2, 2004
Vol. 12. No. 10 includes stories on political debates, racial profiling, cancellation of Pow Wow, Richard Sulpizio in "The Executive's Chair", Study…
The Pride
November 9, 2004
Vol. 12, No. 11 covers a forum on the campus police, the 15th anniversary celebration, election events and watching, parking lot flooding, the Wang…
The Pride
November 16, 2004
Featured stories in Vol. 12, No. 12 include a protest over President Haynes' non-attendance at the campus police forum, financial aid difficulties,…
The Pride
November 30, 2004
President Haynes meets in an open forum with students on campus policing, reporters check the statistics on campus arrests, student giving during the…
The Pride
December 7, 2004
Vol. 12, No, 14 reports on the campus police forums, the Library Reading Room space, benefit for injured student, President Haynes in the classroom,…
The Pride
January 18, 2005
Vol. 3, No. 1 covers the retirement announcement of Robert Schultheis, campus police chief and the new Library exhibit on Commodore Perry and Japan as…
The Pride
January 25, 2005
Vol. 13, No. 2 reports on vandalism in Academic Hall, Black History Month activities, the joint doctorate in Education with UCSD and SDSU, the Clarke…
The Pride
February 1, 2005
This issue (Vol. 13, No. 3) reports on President Karen Haynes' report to the community, construction by University Hall, military servicemembers lost…
The Pride
February 8, 2005
Parking, Discount Campus Books, a new mobile campus command post, and an exploding light fixture are on the front page of Vol. 13, No. 4. The…
The Pride
February 15, 2005
Vol. 13, No. 5 includes an interview with the student at the center of the racial profiling incident, issues with advising services, Valentine's Day…
The Pride
February 22, 2005
Vol. 13, No. 6 covers alcohol awareness training coming to campus, voting on a student sports fee, "state of the campus" address by President Haynes,…
The Pride
March 8, 2005
Vol. 13, No. 7 informs the campus on upcoming changes to the Dome, Wellness and Women's History Month events, ASI elections and candidate statements,…
The Pride
March 15, 2005
This issue (Vol. 13, No. 8) includes reporting on Iraq veterans' forum, campus visit by Donna Frye, wellness events, and the status of NCAA…
The Pride
March 22, 2005
Vol. 13, No. 9 reports on Donna Frye's visit to campus, campus police participation in DUI checkpoints, ASI candidate platforms, fraternity…
The Pride
April 5, 2005
This post-spring break issue reports on the ASI election results, the Academic Freedom Forum, Oaxacan culture exhibit, rock climbing, and the…
The Pride
April 12, 2005
The Cesar Chavez celebration, CSUSM's win in recyclemania, RAD rape prevention training, ASI protest, and environmental concerns are top stories in…
The Pride
April 19, 2005
No. 12 of Vol. 13 showcases Recyclemania, diversity events, library assistance during finals, Computer Competency Requirement, and Earth Day.
The Pride
April 26, 2005
Articles in Vol. 13, No. 13 cover the Michael Moore scholarship, blood drive, tuition protests, teacher career fair, and filmmaker and alumnus Jason…
The Pride
May 3, 2005
Vol. 13, No. 14 provides information on commencement preparations, the report from the Task Force on Campus Policing, and a study on student suicide…
The Pride
August 30, 2005
Vol. 14, No. 1 covers the new Citizen's Academy to improve campus/police relations, what students need to do at the beginning of the new semester, and…
The Pride
September 6, 2005
Vol. 14, No. 2 reports on a memorial for Kevin Igasaki, Director of the Language Learning Center, fundraisers for Katrina victims, Librarian Melanie…
The Pride
September 13, 2005
This issue (Vol. 14, No. 3) observes National Hispanic Heritage Month, the progress on the CoBA building, gun locks, getting psychological help…
The Pride
September 20, 2005
Articles on racial profiling case, continued campus and nearby construction, renovation of Craven Hall, and Rush Week. Politics are represented in…
The Pride
September 27, 2005
Top stories in Vol. 14, No. 5 include the new Biotechnology major, Health Fair, death of campus benefactor W. Keith Kellogg, III, the Orientation Team…
The Pride
October 4, 2005
Vol. 14, No. 6 reports on a faculty tenure grievance, recycling success, Oktoberfest celebration, Proposition 73, Amnesty International, upcoming…
The Pride
October 11, 2005
Vol. 14, No. 7 reports on the McMahon House planning, the Lady Cougars sport dance team, the fall Masquerade Ball, American Indian Student Alliance…
The Pride
October 18, 2005
Vol. 14, No. 8 includes articles on the proposed University Hour, a Katrina Forum, upcoming blood drive, RAD workshop, alcohol awareness and campus…
The Pride
October 25, 2005
Vol. 14, No. 9 published articles on the Lost Boys of Sudan's visit to campus, abusive relationships, a campaign for prostitution rights, Professor…
The Pride
November 1, 2005
Halfway through the semester, Vol. 14, No. 10 has articles on the state of the campus report by President Haynes, the start of American Indian…
The Pride
November 8, 2005
Vol. 14, No. 11 covers Veterans' Day celebration, a campus assault, approved tuition increase, flu pandemic, grade inflation, and expansion of…
The Pride
November 15, 2005
Vol. 14, No. 12 reports on Veterans' Day activities, a teddy bear drive by University Police, Early Learning Center fundraiser, and an interview with…
The Pride
November 22, 2005
Vol. 14, No. 13 covers the Model United Nations convening at CSUSM, CSU presidents' raises in light of student fee increases, local military families…
The Pride
December 6, 2005
This week's edition (Vol. 14, No. 14) reports on the upcoming Vagina Monologues event, Tookie Williams activism by Professor Lance Newman, the…
The Pride
January 17, 2006
Vol. 15, No. 1 reacquaints readers with the Cesar Chavez statue, notes faculty move into Markstein Hall (AKA Business), a review of the campus crime…
The Pride
January 24, 2006
Vol. 15, No. 2 covers Recyclemania, a textbook shortage at the bookstore, the campus crime report and police collaboration with public, upcoming Black…
The Pride
January 31, 2006
Vol. 15, No. 3 reports on the Chinese New Year, campus scholarships, HIV testing, and a lecture sponsored by the National Latino Research Center on…
The Pride
February 7, 2006
This week's issue (Vol. 15, No. 4) covers faculty protests and grievances, President Haynes' state of the campus community address, vandalism, the…
The Pride
February 14, 2006
Vol. 15, No. 5 reports on barricades in the parking lot for pedestrian safety, film showing of "Invisible Children" and "No!", the work of the Chamber…
The Pride
February 21, 2006
This week's issue (Vol. 15, No. 6) reports on the ASI budget, campus crime reports, the 41st Annual History Conference hosting on campus, service…
The Pride
February 28, 2006
The Vol. 15, No. 7 issue promotes the upcoming Spring Fling dance, the student research competition, parking issues, and the opening (and rumors) of…
Homecoming 2006
February 28, p.1-4
Announcement of plans for Spring Fling as alumni spring homecoming event.
The Pride
March 7, 2006
Vol. 15, No. 8 reports doubling occupancy in University Village apartments, alcohol sales crackdown, police emergency response, the Career Center's…
The Pride
March 14, 2006
Vol. 15, No. 9 reports on the Early Learning Center groundbreaking, faculty and student protest, parking issues of spaces and fees, and Holocaust…
The Pride
March 21, 2006
Vol. 15, No. 10 features stories on a contentious visit by an Iraqi speaker, the LGBTA-sponsored drag show, the Crash Awards for student service, and…
The Pride
April 4, 2006
Vol. 15, No. 11 features articles on demonstrations about gay marriage rights and violence against women, as well as a congressional forum, upcoming…
The Pride
April 11, 2006
Volume 15, No. 2 leads with the visit by Dolores Huerta, ASI election results and low turnout, the opening of the Women's Center, national win by the…
The Pride
April 18, 2006
The Recyclemania win leads the news in Vol. 15, No. 13. Other articles look at the value of course evaluations, a presentation on bias in media by…
The Pride
April 25, 2006
Vol. 15, No. 14 announces the upcoming protest and boycott regarding HR-4437 on immigration, preparations for the African American student recognition…
The Pride
May 2, 2006
Vol. 15, No. 15 has articles on the immigration protest rally, the official opening of Markstein Hall, Commencement preparations, the First All…
The Pride
August 22, 2006
Vol. 16, No. 1 announces the opening of parking lot F, a photo spread on Washington DC, and advice on not buying textbooks.
The Pride
August 29, 2006
Vol. 16. No, 2 looks at the new room arrangements in University Village, alerts the reader to record enrollment, covers the NAIA soccer pep rally, and…
The Pride
September 5, 2006
A look at Associated Students Incorporated, report on traffic issues on campus, and an article on flu and immunization are in this week's Vol. 16, No.…
The Pride
September 12, 2006
The feature stories are on campus traffic issues, highlighted with a car/pedestrian accident and plans for traffic control. Other stories feature surf…
The Pride
September 19, 2006
Vol. 16, No. 5 covers club sports, soccer win, Yellow Ribbon Week, the need for more faculty in Women's Studies, and international and exchange…
The Pride
September 26, 2006
Vol. 16, No. 6 covers the remodel of the Craven Hall courtyard, new student registration system, electrical outage in Academic Hall, Indian Week…
The Pride
October 3, 2006
This issue (Vol. 16, No. 7) has a health focus in informing readers about tuberculosis and AIDS, as well as reporting on the Masquerade Ball, and…
The Pride
October 10, 2006
Vol. 16, No. 8 reports on the veteran's photo exhibit in the Library, AIDS awareness with the Africa Tent exhibit, the under-used Writing Center, and…
Masquerade 2006
October 10, p.4
Mention of the success of the 6th ball as part of Fever Week activities.
Masquerade 2006
October 10, p.12
Alumni letter to the Pride about being refused attendance to the ball as part of homecoming.
The Pride
October 17, 2006
Vol. 16, No. 9 reports on the campus Oktoberfest, Coming Out Day, and RAD training.
The Pride
October 24, 2006
Vol. 15, No. 10 alerts the reader to an upcoming cancer awareness workshop, the move of the LGBTA Club's Multicultural Center to Craven Hall,…
The Pride
October 31, 2006
Vol. 16, No. 11 covers the visit by students from Universidad Autonoma de Baja California in Tijuana, the expected display of the AIDS Quilt, local…
The Pride
November 7, 2006
This week's issue (Vol. 16, No. 12) covers campus traffic issues, cancer educational exhibit, and life in University Village Apartments. The release…
The Pride
November 14, 2006
Vol. 16, No. 13 reports on student research competition preparation, Veteran's Day activities, the midterm elections, Road Trip Nation's visit, Campus…
The Pride
November 21, 2006
Vol. 16, No. 14 reports on student posting to Facebook, The Prominence Pilot Project regarding off-campus behavior in relation to Executive Order 969,…
The Pride
December 5, 2006
This issue (Vol. 16, No. 15) announces the 2007 Alternative Spring Break option, reviews the AIDS Quilt exhibit, covers ASIST for first-generation…
The Pride
January 23, 2007
Vol. 17,, No. 1 covers faculty wage protest, the establishment of a new fraternity (Zeta Beta Tau), the opening of Cougar Central for student…
The Pride
January 30, 2007
This week's issue (Vol. 17, No. 2) reports on a student saved campus police officer's quick actions, the move of the Cross-Cultural Center, faculty…
The Pride
February 6, 2007
Vol. 17, No. 3 printed stories on campus traffic accident and safety, the status of the Sprinter (light rail), Phase II of campus construction, and…
The Pride
February 13, 2007
This issue (Vol. 17, No. 4) publishes a response to the campus safety editorial in issue No. 3, reviews the Erik Otto exhibit in the library,…
The Pride
February 20, 2007
Vol. 17, No. 5 covers the response to an anti-abortion exhibit on campus, ASI election applications, Black Panther film event, and several articles on…
The Pride
February 27, 2007
Vol. 17. No. 6 covers a rock festival, upcoming faculty vote on a strike decision, the dedication of the Tukwut Courtyard, the first Alumni Gala, and…
The Pride
March 6, 2007
Vol. 17, No. 8 reports on the Tukwut Courtyard dedication, new online services from the Writing Center, the swearing in of the new campus police…
The Pride
March 13, 2007
The faculty vote for a strike leads the news in Vol. 17, No. 8 alongside the ASI election forum. Women prisoners lecture as part of Women's Herstory…
The Pride
March 20, 2007
This issue of the Pride (Vol. 17, No. 9) announces a new student fee hike, the new Masters in History degree for fall, the blood drive, student…
The Pride
April 3, 2007
Vol. 17. No. 10 informs readers on the low ASI voter turnout, a same-sex marriage demonstration, the impending faculty strike, a power outage, and…
The Pride
April 10, 2007
Vol. 17, No. 11 covers the tentative agreement to avert a faculty strike, upcoming multiculturalism speaker, job fair, and technology available for…
The Pride
April 17, 2007
Vol. 17, No. 12 mourns the victims of the Virginia Tech shooting, informs readers about the DREAM Act, notes the CFA wage vote, and President Haynes'…
The Pride
April 24, 2007
This issue (Vol. 17, No. 13) looks at the Virginia Tech forum held on campus, another win in Recyclemania, budget-related activities by students, and…
The Pride
May 1, 2007
Vol. 17. No. 14 memorializes Lorena Barraza, CSUSM student killed in a car accident, looks at the future of the Early Learning Center, reports on the…
The Pride
May 8, 2007
Suicide prevention leads this issue (Vol. 17, No. 15) along with articles on a forum on bringing Asian American Studies to campus, paintball…
The Pride
August 28, 2007
Vol. 18, No. 1 starts off a new academic year with articles on building safety awareness, student resources, and welcome back activities including…
The Pride
September 4, 2007
Vol. 18, No. 2 has been located, not yet digitized. Please contact University Archives for assistance.
The Pride
September 11, 2007
Vol. 18, No. 3 has been located, not yet digitized. Please contact University Archives for assistance.
The Pride
September 18, 2007
Vol. 18, No. 4 (issues 2 and 3 are missing from collection) covers Chancellor Charles Reed's proposal to increase executive salaries, healthy eating…
The Pride
September 25, 2007
Vol. 18, No. 5 reports on the executive salary increase, introduction of Jui-Jitsu to campus, celebration of Latino heritage, and the upcoming…
The Pride
October 2, 2007
Vol. 18, No. 6 continues coverage on the controversial CSU executive salary increase, a protest against racism in support of the Jena 6, RAD (rape and…
The Pride
October 9, 2007
Vol. 18, No. 7 continues coverage on CSU executive salaries, reports on the President's Open Forums with students and staff, the new traffic lights to…
The Pride
October 16, 2007
This issue (note: this edition is misidentified as No. 7, it should be No. 8 of Volume 18) alerts readers to the return of Alternative Spring Break…
The Pride
October 23, 2007
This issue (Vol. 18, No. 9) was not distributed due to the campus closure from the Coronado Hills fire.
The Pride
October 30, 2007
Volume 18, No. 7 (should be numbered as issue 10 of Volume 18) covers the San Diego fires including the Coronado Hills fire that closed the campus for…
The Pride
November 6, 2007
Vol. 18, No. 11 follows the aftermath and cleanup from the San Diego County fires, increased emergency preparedness actions, the revivial of the Black…
The Pride
November 13, 2007
Vol. 18, No. 12 reports on a state audit of CSU executive compensation practice, Cross Country competition for NAIA championship, the Writers Guild…
The Pride
November 20, 2007
Vol. 18, No. 13 stories include pending parking fee increase, student action against tuition hikes, the CSU's proposed 08-09 budget, and a look at the…
The Pride
December 4, 2007
Vol. 18, No. 13 (should be issue 14 of Vol. 18) investigates the rationale for parking rate increases and the future parking structure, the bookstore…
The Pride
January 22, 2008
The first edition of the Spring 2008 semester introduces new paper staff and reveals some resolutions.
The Pride
January 29, 2008
Vol. 19, No. 2 reports on the welcome activities for transfer students, the CSU budget crisis, and the library exhibit on hate crime.
The Pride
February 5, 2008
Vol. 19, No. 1 should be cited as No. 3 of Vol. 19. This issue focuses on politics including Super Tuesday and a student seat on the CSU Board of…
The Pride
February 12, 2008
Vol. 19, No. 4 summarizes Chancellor Charles Reed's message on the CSU budget crisis, politics centered around the primaries, Greek Week activities,…
The Pride
February 19, 2008
The shooting at Northern Illinois University raises new calls for preparedness at CSUSM from campus Police, Other stories in Vol. 9, No. 5 include…
The Pride
February 26, 2008
Vol. 19, No. 6 reports on increased traffic patrols and congestion, monthly Multicultural Forums, a presentation and discussion on the film…
The Pride
March 4, 2008
Vol. 19, No. 7 reports on the campus protests over budget cuts, the opening of the Sprinter light rail, Black History Month activities, and the…
The Pride
March 11, 2008
Vol. 19, No. 8 covers the continuing budget issues, the opening of the Sprinter light rail, and Inter-Varsity's response to controversial religious…
The Pride
March 18, 2008
Vol. 19, No. 9 reports on the early closure of the Spring Fling due to attendee behavior, upcoming ASI elections, a DREAM Act forum, and a Pizza and…
The Pride
March 25, 2008
Planning for the new Student Union is underway in Vol. 19, No. 10. Gas prices are on the rise, San Diego bans alcohol on beaches in a one-year trial,…
The Pride
April 8, 2008
Vol. 19, No. 11 includes a safety alert for a possible campus threat, preparations for a budget protest in Sacramento, upcoming President's Forum with…
The Pride
April 15, 2008
A candlelight vigil at the Cesar Chavez statue, Take Back the Night, and Sleepless in San Diego are all evening events reported in Vol. 19, No. 12.…
The Pride
April 22, 2008
Vol. 19, No. 13 interviews new ASI President Alexander Hoang, reports on the International Fair, and CoBA students' plans to create a yearbook for…
The Pride
April 29, 2008
Feature stories include Tukwut Leadership Awards, budget protests, the National Day of Silence, All People's Celebration, and yet another Recyclemania…
The Pride
May 6, 2008
Commencement leads the stories in Vol. 19, No. 15 along with stories on continuing budget protests, the All Peoples Ceremony, and the upcoming new…
The Pride
August 26, 2008
The first issue of the fall 2008 semester (Vol. 20, No. 1) features a letter from the editor and announcement of a Welcome Week calendar. On the…
The Pride
September 2, 2008
Vol. 20, No. 2 covers the political scene with the choice of Barak Obama as presidential candidate and John McCain's choice of Sarah Palin as his…
The Pride
September 9, 2008
Vol. 20, No. 3 features the unveiling of the Tukwut statute in the courtyard outside Cougar Central, follows up on presidential candidate nominations,…
The Pride
September 16, 2008
Vol. 20, No. 4 memorializes the passing of Professor Tom Wahlund, notes the efforts on emergency preparedness, Rush Week activities, and comments on…
The Pride
September 23, 2008
With the semester underway, the Pride turns its attention to the CFA's stance on the CSU budget, Peace Day, Educational Effectiveness Review, and the…
The Pride
September 30, 2008
Vol. 20, No. 6 has several articles on the Presidential race and the American Democracy Project, but leads with a look at local Native Americans and…
The Pride
October 7, 2008
Politics is the focus of Vol. 20, No. 7 with a look at the vice-presidental debate, students attending a Palin rally, voter guide, and a review of the…
The Pride
October 14, 2008
Vol. 20, No. 8 continues election and political event coverage, including voter registration and the debates. Other news is the elimination of the…
The Pride
October 21, 2008
The one year anniversary of the San Diego County fires is observed in Vol. 20, No. 9. Other articles cover the events of International Education Week…
The Pride
October 28, 2008
Vol. 20, No. 10 continues election and political coverage with one week left to the elections. ASI prepares for the Alternative Spring Break in 2009…
The Pride
November 5, 2008
Vol.. 20, No. 11 announces Obama's win, Pizza and Politics looks at immigration, and the CSU budget gets hit with a sizable cut.
The Pride
November 12, 2008
The Mr. Alpha Chi fund raiser will be benefiting alumna with breast cancer in Vol. 20, No. 12. A protest is organized against Proposition 8,…
The Pride
November 18, 2008
Vol. 20, No. 12 (this issue should be No. 13 of Vol. 20) announce a graduation reception for fall COAS graduates, the winner of Mr. Alpha Chi and the…
The Pride
December 2, 2008
Vol. 20, No. 14 remarks on World AIDS Day, the President's open forums, and the first meeting of the MIS Society for CoBA students. Dr. Soheila…
The Pride
January 20, 2009
Volume 21, number 1 of The Pride. This issue introduces the new title of the independent student newspaper and staff. The issue also includes stories…
The Pride
January 27, 2009
Volume 21, number 2 of The Pride. The issue includes extended articles about the 2009 inauguration of President Obama and campus parking fees.
The Pride
February 3, 2009
Volume 21, number 3 of The Pride. The issue includes extended articles about Black History Month. Other stories are about RecycleMania, congressional…
The Pride
February 10, 2009
Volume 21, No. 4 focuses on Valentine's Day observance and customs, a short article on lessening your environmental impact, student dance group, and…
The Pride
February 17, 2009
Volume 21, number 5 of The Pride. The issue includes extended articles about the recession, high tuition fees, and personal finance.
The Pride
February 24, 2009
The front page of Vol. 21, No. 6 looks at the planning process for the Student Union building. Additional articles report on undocumented students,…
The Pride
March 3, 2009
Vol, 21, No. 7 reports on Women's History/Herstory Month, life as a Resident Advisor, and the open forum on ROTC. Readers learn about the history of…
The Pride
March 10, 2009
Vol. 21, No. 8 reminds readers that Amber Dubois continues to be missing, interviews ASI President Alexander Hoang, what to do in case of a car…
The Pride
March 17, 2009
This issue (Vol. 21, No. 9) is devoted to Women's Herstory/History Month. A number of female faculty and staff are interviewed to learn about what…
The Pride
March 24, 2009
Vol. 21, No. 10 interviews the ASI candidates, places to go for Spring Break, advice on sun precautions, and the column "Bill of Rights" addresses the…
The Pride
April 7, 2009
Vol. 21, No. 12 reports on the ASI election, with the President not yet decided. Student health in alcohol awareness and stress management are also…
The Pride
April 14, 2009
This issue of the Pride, Vo. 21, No. 12 reports on the Alternative Spring Break working with Habitat for Humanity, upcoming job fair and International…
The Pride
April 21, 2009
Vol. 21, No. 13 reports on Earth Day and the International Fair, and announces that CSUSM has achieved Asian American, Native American, Pacific…
The Pride
April 28, 2009
This issue of the Pride includes coverage of the Tukwut Leadership Night, an update to the ASI elections with the announcement of the winner for…
The Pride
May 5, 2009
The final issue of Spring 2009 (Vol. 21, No. 15) looks at Commencement preparations at the Del Mar Fairgrounds. Other stories include student…
The Pride
September 1, 2009
The first issue of fall 2009 looks at the beginning of the university's 20th year. Furloughs in faculty and staff schedules to reflect a 10 percent…
The Pride
September 15, 2009
Vol. 22, No. 2 continues coverage on the impact the furlough has on course availability. Other articles look at low unemployment rates, campus sports,…
The Pride
September 29, 2009
The CSUSM Surf Team's win of the national championship is front-page news, followed by stories on the new weekly Farmer's Market in Lot C, a lecture…
The Pride
October 13, 2009
Vol, 22, No. 4 carries stories on the annual Guelaguetza celebration, the beam signing for the Social and Behavioral Sciences Building (SBSB), and the…
The Pride
October 20, 2009
Vol. 22, No. 5 covers local entertainment, seasonal employment, and continued protest over the effects of budget cuts on student success with a look…
The Pride
October 27, 2009
Vol. 22, No. 6 focused on Halloween folklore, customs, and activities. The impact of the instructional furlough due to budget cuts is covered.…
The Pride
November 3, 2009
Vol, 22, No. 7 reports on a variety of topics including the latest campus safety report, Love Your Body event as part of student health, the…
The Pride
November 10, 2009
Vol. 22, No. 8 looks at the budget impact on delayed registration for Spring, the drinking age debate, and an interview with Professor Heidi Breuer.
The Pride
November 17, 2009
This issue (Vol. 22, No. 9) looks at the shortage of the H1N1 vaccine, Study Abroad opportunities and the new Global Studies major. Campus giving…
The Pride
December 1, 2009
Sports are the feature of this issue of the Pride (Vol. 22, No. 10). The women's cross-country takes the NAIA National Championship. Men's…
The Pride
January 26, 2010
This issue (dated 2009 on the paper, but actually Vol. 23, No. 1 of 2010) has relief efforts in the wake of the Haiti earthquake on the front page.…
The Pride
February 2, 2010
Vol. 23, No. 2 covers CSUSM's 20th anniversary celebrations, the inauguration of the new softball field, and budget proposals that may help the CSU.…
The Pride
February 9, 2010
Vol. 23, No. 3 continues coverage on the first weeks of the new semester with stories on proposed athletics fee increase, Welcome Fair, CSU budget,…
The Pride
February 23, 2010
Vol. 23, No. 4 reports on the upcoming faculty and student "Day of Action" to protest the budget, the granting of Hispanic Serving Institution (HSI)…
The Pride
March 2, 2010
This issue (Vol. 23, No. 5) reports on the disappearance of Chelsea King, the first ever CSUSM Roundup foot race, hazards of social smoking,…
The Pride
March 16, 2010
A faculty teach-in to protest budget cuts leads the news in Vol 23, No. 6. Also on the front page is the story of Amber Dubois and Chelsea King's…
The Pride
March 23, 2010
The Vol. 23, No. 7 issue includes stories on Recyclemania, various activities and safety during Spring Break, and national health care reform,
The Pride
April 13, 2010
This issue (Vol. 23, No. 8) informs on campus emergency preparedness for earthquakes, summer school administered through Extended Learning due to…
The Pride
April 20, 2010
New ASI officers elected with a low turnout and the cancellation of a student/faculty play about the budget are front page news in Vol. 23, No. 9.…
The Pride
April 27, 2010
CSU Stanislaus takes front of paper with a scandal over documents shredded in connection to a visit to the campus by Sarah Palin, Vice-Presidential…
The Pride
May 4, 2010
Student participation in the Relay for Life fundraiser is top news in Vol. 23, No. 11. Commencement information is provided and as the semester winds…
The Pride
August 31, 2010
The paper (Vol. 24, No. 1) kicks off a new semester with a look at the aftereffects of the furlough and textbook prices, introduces the paper's new…
The Pride
September 7, 2010
The "Leave Your Mark" theme for Student Life and Leadership activities leads in Vol. 24, No. 2. The Communications and Mass Media program is declared…
The Pride
September 14, 2010
Vol. 24, No 3 looks at student loans, helpful information at the Health Expo and related healthy activities, the San Marcos Farmers Market, and a…
The Pride
September 21, 2010
The legalization of marijuana (Proposition 19) leads the Vol. 24, No. 4 edition. Also on the front page is the passage of Chelsea's Law. Other…
The Pride
October 5, 2010
A look at campus and local crime found in the annual Clery Report is found on the front page of Vol. 24, No. 5. Additional articles are found on…
The Pride
October 12, 2010
The October 7 "Day of Action" by faculty and students leads the stories in Vol. 24, No. 6. The first transfer and international students in 3 years…
The Pride
October 26, 2010
As October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, the paper features this topic on the front page of Vol. 24, No. 7. Good news is reflected in an increase…
Homecoming 2010
October 26, p.4
Coverage of the food and activities at the soccer games for homecoming.
The Pride
November 3, 2010
Politics, elections, and veterans are covered in Vol. 24, No. 8. Observation of Veterans' Day, women veterans, and CSUSM's recognition for being…
The Pride
November 16, 2010
Vol. 24, No. 9 reports on a campus lockdown due to unannounced student theatrical enactment. CFA responds to the impending tuition fee increase. The…
The Pride
November 23, 2010
Vol. 24, No. 10 includes stories on the FDA ruling on alcohol and caffeine-laced beverages, possibilities for credit card abuse, and difficulties in…
The Pride
December 7, 2010
Vol. 24, No. 11 looks at travel with new TSA restrictions, what tuition pays for, CSUSM student Holly Gerrity's prestigious scholarship for study in…
The Pride
January 25, 2011
Vol. 25, No. 1 announces the return of Commencement to campus from the Del Mar Fairgrounds, the opening of the Social and Behavioral Sciences…
The Pride
February 8, 2011
Egypt's political crisis is the featured front page story in Vol. 25, No. 2. Also sharing the front page, is the repeal of the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell"…
The Pride
February 15, 2011
Vol. 25, No. 3 covers a variety of news including internet security, unrest in Egypt, an alcohol-related student death, Black History Month, local…
The Pride
February 22, 2011
This issue (Vol. 25, No. 4) looks at reductions in student financial aid such as Pell Grants, the Kellogg Library, Language Learning Center, and…
The Pride
March 8, 2011
Vol. 25, No. 5 announces the finalists attending statewide academic research competitions, international travel and study opportunities, and a student…
The Pride
March 15, 2011
This issue (Vol. 25, No. 6) reports on the Japanese earthquake, Spring Fling cancellation and alternate plans, MidEast unrest, and online dating…
The Pride
March 29, 2011
Vol. 25, No. 7 interviews the next ASI President, Travis Wilson, looks at the potential impact of a cut to Planned Parenthood on student health,…
The Pride
April, 26, 2011
Vol. 25, No. 10 covers the CSU-wide protest to protect public education against budget cuts. The International Fair events are described along with…
The Pride
April 5, 2011
Front page news in Vol. 25, No. 8 is the NATO invasion of Libya and the restructuring from three to four Colleges. Other stories include Spring Break…
The Pride
April 12, 2011
This issue announces the CFA-sponsored Day of Class Action regarding the state of college education and student and staff rights. New minors in the…
The Pride
May 10, 2011
Vol. 25, No. 11 offers a guide for Commencement, news on a scholarship funded by President Haynes, an increase in parking fees, Pause for Paws stress…
The Pride
September 13, 2011
Vol. 28, No. 1 reports on the wide-area power outage, the state of women's sports at CSUSM, HIV testing, saving on textbook purchases, and student…
The Pride
September 27, 2011
Graduate student Lauren Holland is profiled as the recipient of the Hurst/CSU Trustee's Award, the CSU's highest honor and President Haynes calls for…
Homecoming 2011
September 27, p.4
Coverage of homecoming events mentions the first time the celebration includes a King and Queen. Article makes the claim this is the third homecoming…
The Pride
October 11, 2011
Homecoming and the crowning of the first king and queen is the lead story of Vol. 28, No. 3. The passing of Steve Jobs is noted, a variety of campus…
The Pride
October 25, 2011
Vol. 28, No. 4 features protests against the Koala, Halloween festivities and history, the rumor of the library being haunted, and the campus Improv…
The Pride
November 8, 2011
Vol 28, No. 5 includes stories on the campus emergency alert system, the Occupy movement, ROTC activities to mark Veteran's Day, and energy drinks.
The Pride
November 22, 2011
The joy of preparing for the holidays is dimmed by the news of a new tuition hike in Vol. 28, No. 6. A warning of another mountain lion sighting is…
The Pride
December 6, 2011
The last issue before winter break (Vol 28, No. 7) includes coverage of campus civility activities, a report of scamming activity, holiday observances…
The Pride
May 6, 1994
Winners of the united States President's Youth Service Awards are celebrated in the Vol. 1, No. 12 issue of The Pride.
The Pride
November 5, 1993

Learn how to make the most of your degree from the cover story of The Pride, Vol. 1, No. 3. The story includes entry level annual salaries for…
The Pride
November 19, 1993

Vol. 1, No. 4 of The Pride features a cover story with Provost Richard Millman.
The Pride
December 3, 1993

An interview with CSUSM President Bill Stacy is the cover story of the Vol. 1, No. 5 issue of The Pride. Volunteering is a featured story inside the…
The Pride
January 28, 1994

The Vol. 1, No. 6 issue of The Pride includes articles on California student enrollment, book prices, and Student Health Services programs.
The Pride
February 11, 1994

Vol. 1, No. 7 of The Pride updates the campus on the earthquake damage to CSU Northridge and the collaboration with the Center for Reproduction of…
The Pride
February 25, 1994

Campus recreation and the first Volunteer Day at CSUSM are featured articles in the Vol. 1, No. 8 edition of The Pride. (note: misidentified as Vol.…
The Pride
March 11, 1994

The Vol. 1, No. 9 issue of The Pride features a cover story about the 2nd Annual Pow Wow to be held in the student parking lot.
The Pride
April 8, 1994

Vol. 1, No. 10 of The Pride cover articles are about the future campus childcare facility and the upcoming 7th Annual University Ball.
The Pride
April 22, 1994

Vol. 1, No. 11 of the Pride features Dr. Isabel Schon and the books of the Center for the Study of Books in Spanish for Children and Adolescents…
The Pride
September 7, 1994

Vol. 2, No. 1 of The Pride cover stories look at the next stage of construction on campus and the "Questival."
The Pride
September 21, 1994

Vol. 2, No. 2 The Associated Students, Inc. is in business, student government is now a non-profit business registered with the state. Mulching on…
The Pride
October 5, 1994

Vol. 2, No. 3 of The Pride explores the two sides of Proposition 187. The psychology graduate program begins at CSUSM.
The Pride
October 19, 1994

Vol. 2, No. 4, of The Pride highlights the university's first dance recital. Cal State San Marcos' Questival comes to campus.
The Pride
November 2, 1994

Vol. 2, No. 5 of the Pride addresses the Craven controversy and whether his name should be removed from Craven Hall. University police are concerned…
The Pride
November 16, 1994

Vol 2, No. 6 of The Pride reviews the results of the state and student elections.
The Pride
December 14, 1994

The Vol. 2, No. 7 issue of The Pride features an interview with CSUSM President Bill Stacy.
The Pride
March 6, 1995

Vol. 2, No. 8 of The Pride has a cover story Q & A with Sociology professor Sharon Elise about affirmative action and the proposed California Civil…
The Pride
September 20, 1995

Vol. 3, No. 1 features a cover story on the first freshman class of the Cal State San Marcos campus.
The Pride
October 4, 1995

The cover story of the Vol. 3, No. 2 issue of The Pride is an article about the recent Arts and Lectures presentation by Nobel laureate Kary Mullis.…
The Pride
October 18, 1995

Native American Spirit and the Annual CSUSM Pow Wow is highlighted in the cover story of the Vol. 3, No. 3 edition of The Pride.
The Pride
November 1, 1995

Vol. 3, No. 4 addresses the use of the federal Social Security number as a student identification tool.
The Pride
November 17, 1995

In the Vol. 3, No. 5 of The Pride, the cover story reports the first serious crime on campus.
The Pride
November 29, 1995

Vol. 4, No. 6 of The Pride looks at the current campus policy related to the selling of for on campus.
The Pride
February 21, 1996

The Vol. 3, No. 8 issue of The Pride discusses the benefits of passing proposition 203 for the CSUSM campus.
The Pride
March 6, 1996

Financial Aid fraud is the subject of the Vol. 3, no. 9 edition of The Pride.
The Pride
March 20, 1996

The Vol. 3, No. 10 cover story is about the theft of a television monitor, part of a art display in the library.
The Pride
April 15, 1996

Vol. 3, No. 10a ASI Election Edition (Labeled as Election Special Vol. 1, No. 1)
The Pride
May 1, 1996

The cover story of the Vol. 3, No. 11 edition of The Pride relays ASI election results.
The Pride
September 18, 1996

The Vol. 4, No. 1 issue is packed with important issues for CSUSM students; a new director for the campus health services, a proposed commuter train,…
The Pride
October 2, 1996

Vol. 4, No. 2 of The Pride highlights the Annual Pow Wow and the campus career fair.
The Pride
October 16, 1996

Racism and racist incidents on campus are the subject of the Vol. 4, No. 3 edition of The Pride.
The Pride
October 30, 1996

Vol. 4, No.4 of The Pride covers the $1 million donation by Keith and Jean Kellogg for a permanent library on the CSUSM campus. NOTE: front page is a…
The Pride
November 13, 1996

The Vol. 4, No. 5 issue of The Pride highlights the new Closed Circuit TV system on campus. In other news, acclaimed author Rudolf Anaya is set to…
The Pride
November 27, 1996

The Vol. 4, No. 6 issue of The Pride cover story is about the continuing racial incidents and a "hostile working environment" on the CSUSM campus.
The Pride
February 13, 1997

The Pride's Vol. 4, No. 8 edition cover stories are about new racial incidents on the CSUSM campus.
The Pride
February 27, 1997

Vol 4, No. 9 of The Pride features History professor Joan Gunderson interviewed about her new book, "To Be Useful in the World."
The Pride
March 27, 1997

One cover story from the Vol. 4, No. 11 edition of The Pride is about the dedication of the Cesar Chavez statue on the Cal State San Marcos campus.
The Pride
April 24, 1997

The Vol. 4, No. 13 issue of The Pride cover stories address the run off race for AS President, and ongoing threats to cultural diversity efforts from…
The Pride
May 8, 1997

Vol. 4, No. 14 of The Pride announces results of the AS President run off election.
The Pride
September 30, 1997

Vol. 5, No. 1 of The Pride examines the continuing parking problems and the outlook for the new year with the Associated Students of CSUSM.
The Pride
October 14, 1997

Vol. 5, No. 2 of The Pride discusses the ongoing construction on campus of International Hall.
The Pride
October 27, 1997

The Vol. 5, No. 3 cover story of The Pride explains the Halloween holiday.
The Pride
November 11, 1997

The Vol. 5, No. 4 edition of The Pride features an article on the California Education Technology Initiative Corporation (CETI)
The Pride
November 25, 1997

Sex, Money, and 'The Net'... is the cover story of the Vol. 5, No. 5 edition of The Pride.
The Pride
December 9, 1997

The Pride interviews CSUSM President Alexander Gonzalez in the Vol. 5, No. 6 issue of The Pride.
The Pride
February 19, 1998

Vol. 5, No. 6 of The Pride presents cover stories on the opening of the Early Learning Center and campus housing.
The Pride
March 5, 1998

The Vol. 5, No. 8 edition of The Pride featured cover stories on the library, proposed increases to the athletics fees, and wait times for the…
The Pride
March 19, 1998

Faculty recruitment and "giving back" are the subject of the Vol. 5, No. 9 issue cover stories of The Pride.
The Pride
April 2, 1998

The Vol. 5, No. 10 edition of The Pride addresses possible fee increases and the use of technology for research options in the library.
The Pride
April 30, 1998

The cover of the Vol. 5, No. 11 issue of The Pride shares articles on student apathy, enrollment, scholarships, and new athletic fields on the campus.
The Pride
May 14, 1998

The first Harry E. Brakebill Distinguished Professor is revealed in the Vol. 5, No. 12 edition of The Pride.
The Pride
October 15, 1998

Vol. 6, No. 1 covers the appointment of Alexander Gonzalez as permanent president of CSUSM by the CSU Board of Trustees. Coverage of the nearby brush…
The Pride
October 29, 1998

Vol. 6, No. 2 reports on student accident, campus parking and breast cancer exhibit (No. 1 is missing)
The Pride
December 3, 1998

Vol. 6, No. 4 reports on faculty salary contract negotiations, the Early Learning Center, accessbility issues and science fair.
The Pride
August 30, 1999

The Vol. 7, No. 1 edition of The Pride features articles on the National Latino Research Center coming to CSUSM, construction, and beginning the…
The Pride
September 7, 1999

The inauguration of CSUSM President Gonzalez was featured on the cover of the Vol. 7, No. 2 of The Pride.
The Pride
September 13, 1999

Increased faculty workloads and the CFA response are a subject of a cover story on the Vol. 7, No. 3 issue of The Pride.
The Pride
September 20, 1999

The Vol. 7, No. 4 edition of The Pride highlights the campus' Mexican Independence Celebration.
The Pride
September 27, 1999

The anticipated completion of the Twin Oaks Bridge and CSUSM 10th Anniversary Open House are cover stories in the Vol. 7, No. 5 issue of The Pride.
The Pride
October 4, 1999

The Vol. 7, No. 7 edition of The Pride features a story on the Child Trot Fest, a fund raiser for the ASI Early Learning Center. (note: misidentified…
The Pride
October 11, 1999

"Che" Guevera and Republican politics shared space on the cover of the Vol. 7, No. 7 edition of The Pride.
The Pride
October 18, 1999

The Vol. 7, No. 8 edition of The Pride, looks at budgets and ongoing problems with vandalism on campus.
The Pride
October 25, 1999

Campus events including poetry readings and parking share the cover of the Vol. 7, No. 9 edition of The Pride.
The Pride
November 1, 1999

The Vol. 7, No. 10 edition of The Pride featured parking, learning skills to defend against rape and a live broadcast of former Mayor Roger…
The Pride
November 8, 1999

Events of the week - films, bands, training, and Dia de los Muertos are featured in the Vol. 7, No. 11 edition of The Pride.
The Pride
November 15, 1999

Academic Senate resolutions and the funding of campus activities through ASI fees are addressed in the Vol. 7, No. 12 f The Pride.
The Pride
November 22, 1999

Recycling, the campus Upward Bound program, and MEChA were part of the featured cover articles of the Vol. 7, No. 12 edition of The Pride. (note: This…
The Pride
November 30, 1999

The Vol. 7, No. 14 issue of The Pride features an article on the Bree Tinney Memorial Scholarship Auction, AIDS Awareness Week, campus housing for…
The Pride
December 6, 1999

The Vol. 7, No. 15 edition of The Pride reported on the speakers for World AIDS Day on campus.
The Pride
February 1, 2000

Vol. 7, No. 16 reports on faculty and administration discussions on campus growth and Sulpizio Family donation.
The Pride
February 8, 2000

Vol. 7, No. 17 reports on the campus cheerleading squad, library building donations, parking and credit/no credit grading.
The Pride
February 14, 2000

Vol. 7, No. 18 addresses parking enforcement, student clubs, and the campus mission statement.
The Pride
February 21, 2000

Vol. 7, No. 19 covers religious freedom, computing policy and African American History Month.
The Pride
February 29, 2000

Vol. 7, No. 20 looks at abuses in disabled parking, future new buildings, graduation requirements, and the propositions on the upcoming ballot.
The Pride
March 7, 2000

Vol. 7, No. 21 includes articles on Black History Month observations, "I'm Going to College", the mail order brides exhibit and Proposition 21.
The Pride
March 13, 2000

Vol. 7, No. 22 reports on Parking Services, the Latino Research Center, upcoming Presidential primary and propositions.
The Pride
March 21, 2000

Vol. 7, No. 23 reports on the Chancellor and CFA's perspectives on the state of the CSU system, transfer student conference and the teaching…
The Pride
April 4, 2000

Vol. 7, No. 24 reports on the impact of rising gas prices, remedial education at university level and memorializes Cesar Chavez.
The Pride
April 11, 2000

Vol. 7, No. 25 features adjunct faculty grievances, Twin Oaks Valley bridge widening, and the campus Greek system.
The Pride
April 18, 2000

Vol. 7, No. 26 reports on the ASI election controversy, job fair and continued coverage on Greek life.
The Pride
April 25, 2000

Vol. 7, No. 27 reports on a discrimination lawsuit brought against the campus, a donation by Qualcomm, the ASI elections, and one student's fight with…
The Pride
May 2, 2000

Vol. 7, No. 28 includes continuing coverage of a campus discrimination lawsuit, ASI election results, a report on a nearby traffic fatality, and…
The Pride
May 9, 2000

Vol. 7, No. 29 covers VPAA Karas' resignation, the ILOVEYOU computer virus, library construction, and Greek life for minorities.
The Pride
May 16, 2000

Vol. 7, No. 30 includes coverage of the Student Leadership Awards, first campus observations of Carnival and Yom HaShoa'h, and information on sun…
The Pride
August 29, 2000

Vol. 8, No. 1 covers the new "stack parking", the first Guelaguetza festival held at CSUSM, campus safety, new CoBA Dean Moustafa, dealing with stress…
The Pride
September 5, 2000

Vol. 8, No. 2 covers new student email system, Welcome Week, the continuing construction on the Twin Oaks Valley bridge, women's soccer, political…
The Pride
September 12, 2000

Vol. 8, No. 3 reports on the continued physical growth of the campus, Evers Laptop Scholarship, the Academic Hall clock, political issues and an…
The Pride
September 19, 2000

Vol. 8, No. 4 reports on stack parking, student union referendum vote, the lowering of graduation requirements, health fair, and campus budget.
The Pride
September 26, 2000

Vol. 8, No. 5 includes stories on faculty workload grievance, student algae discovery in local lagoon, infrastructure growth, the Barahona Center,…
The Pride
October 3, 2000

Vol. 8, No. 6 covers LGBQT CSUSM experiences, interviews new Dean of Students Jonathan Poullard, local sites of interest such as Jack's Pond, Cougar…
The Pride
October 10, 2000

Vol. 8, No. 7 includes reporting on the Pow Wow, blood drive, Inter-Club Committee, Chancellor Charles Reed's visit, national and local political…
The Pride
October 17, 2000

Vol. 8. No. 8 reports on grading curves, Student Union fee approved, faculty workload grievances, ant infestation, interview with staffer Corky Lee,…
The Pride
October 24, 2000

Vol. 8, no.9 feature stories include the Second Child Trot to benefit the ASI Early Learning Center, the move of the campus free speech location,…
The Pride
October 31, 2000

Vol. 8, No. 10 is a special political edition as well as covering Dan Guillou, CSUSM student and paralympic athelete, Arts and Sciences buildings…
The Pride
November 7, 2000

Vol. 8, No.11 features local candidates' visit, global warming research, breast cancer awareness, Veteran's Day, and a memorial to Denise A. Vasseur,…
The Pride
November 14, 2000

Vol. 8. No. 12 covers the aftermath of the 2000 presidential election, campus shuttle service, local student Paralympic participant, and the…
The Pride
November 28, 2000

Vol. 8, No. 6 (note: this edition is misidentified as No. 6, it should be No. 13 of Volume 8) reports on disability awareness training, student…
The Pride
December 5, 2000

Vol. 8. No. 14 includes stories on "confrontational evangelicals" on campus, the CAPI Program for high school students, Japanese Culture Day, stress…
The Pride
December 12, 2000

Vol. 8, No. 5 (note: this edition is misidentified as No. 5, it should be No. 15 of Volume 8) examines the American Language and Culture Institute,…
The Pride
February 6, 2001

Vol. 8, No. 16 includes stories on student housing, debunking the prison architect myth, Craven Hall renovation, the donation of Congressman Ronald…
The Pride
February 13, 2001

Vol. 8, No. 17 interviews a CSUSM student and granddaughter of Cesar Chavez, the lack of student housing during transition to dorms, "V-Day" against…
The Pride
February 20, 2001

Vol. 8, No. 18 reports on Oceanside Mayor Terry Johnson as keynote to the Black History Month breakfast, parking expansion of Lot E, faculty and…
The Pride
February 27, 2001

Vol. 8, No. 19 covers Black History Month celebrations, energy conservation on campus, year round schooling and new fee structure, club fundraising…
The Pride
March 6, 2001

Vol. 8, No. 20 published articles on Women's History Month activities, the death of a CSUSM staffer's son, year-round operations, an interview with…
The Pride
March 13, 2001

Vol. 8, No. 21 features include recent school shootings, a look at the recreation fee and upcoming Cesar Chavez celebration plans.
The Pride
March 20, 2001

Vol. 8, No. 22 reports on disaster and emergency preparedness, the opening of the National Latino Research Center, graduation tips, fee hike at the…
The Pride
March 27, 2001

Topics covered in the Vol. 8, No. 23 issue include a story on one student's experience with the withdrawal policy, a lecture by Sara Spearling on…
The Pride
April 10, 2001

Vol. 8, No. 24 covers the first Cesar Chavez "Day of Learning" and more on Cesar Chavez, course offering at Southwest Riverside location, attempted…
The Pride
April 17, 2001

Vol. 8, No. 25 includes coverage on the upcoming ASI elections and future of online voting system, student poetry reading, year-round operations begin…
The Pride
April 24, 2001

Rain postpones Preview Day Springfest, student research winners announced, Cesar Chavez celebration, CSU approves the College of Business building to…
The Pride
May 1, 2001

Vol. 8, No. 27 reports on the ASI candidate forum, job fair, faculty contract negotiations, library building groundbreaking, local protests regarding…
The Pride
May 8, 2001

Vol. 8, No. 28 includes reporting on Springfest and Caribbean Festival activities, ASI election results, Cinco de Mayo celebration, campus water tank…
The Pride
May 15, 2001

Vol. 8, No. 29 features reporting on student leadership and community service award events, campus K-12 outreach, local building growth, and Professor…
The Pride
May 22, 2001

Vol. 8, No. 30 reports on the move of Commencement to off-campus sites, MEChA conference, CSUSM students' visit to NASA, and lectures by Holocaust…
The Pride
May 29, 2001

Vol. 8, No. 30 (mis-numbered issue, should be issue no. 31 of Vol. 8) features a story about Henry Rodriguez ("Uncle Henry"), Luiseño elder receiving…
The Pride
August 28, 2001

Vol. 9. No. 1 of The Pride questions the upcoming graduation location, construction damage, and the second Guelaguetza Festival.
The Pride
September 4, 2001

The Vol. 9, No. 2 edition of The Pride reports on the campus computer upgrade, welcome week, and the ASI board meeting. Del Mar Fairgrounds was…
The Pride
September 13, 2001

Special Edition of The Pride, Vol. 9, No. 3.5 reports on the 9/11 terrorist attacks and the response locally and across the nation.
The Pride
September 25, 2001

Vol. 9, No. 5 of The Pride features articles on the ASI daycare plans, pending threats of a strike by faculty, student response for victims of the 911…
The Pride
October 2, 2001

The Ninth Annual Pow Wow, new leadership for the General Education Writing (GEW) Program, and campus traffic accidents share the cover of the Vol. 9,…
The Pride
October 9, 2001

The Vol. 9, No. 7 edition of The Pride splits the cover stories among The Pow Wow celebration, a power outage, and a blood drive on campus.
Masquerade Ball 2001
October 9, p.5

Announcement of a date change for the first Masquerade Ball,, delaying beyond Homecoming Week.
The Pride
October 16, 2001

Activist Angela Davis comes to campus in The Pride's Vol. 9, No. 8 edition. Some students boycott her lecture, while others are intrigued by her…
The Pride
October 23, 2001

The Vol. 9, No. 9 edition of The Pride reported an anthrax scare on campus, an open forum on racism, community building, and a peace meditation.
The Pride
October 30, 2001

Vol. 9, No. 10 of The Pride features Articles on discrimination lawsuits, a faculty grievance teach-in, and anticipated repairs to the Foundation…
The Pride
November 6, 2001

Vol. 9, No. 11 of the Pride features reports on the campus job fair, the Ethnic Studies Program and the Dia de los Muertos/Day of the Dead…
The Pride
November 13, 2001

Vol. 9, No. 12 of The Pride features articles on the ASI 10th Anniversary celebration, discrimination lawsuits and Veterans' Day events.
Masquerade Ball 2001
November 13 pg.1

An account of the first Masquerade Ball, held at the Escondido Center of the Arts.
The Pride
November 27, 2001

The Vol. 9, No. 13 edition of The Pride features articles on the last scheduled winter session, Japanese Culture Week, and a Greek drive for…
The Pride
December 4, 2001

The cover stories of the Vol. 9, No. 14 of The Pride include the campus Native American Heritage Celebration, the approval of campus housing and…
The Pride
December 11, 2001

Vol. 9, No. 15 included articles on a campus environmental fair, an update on the repairs to the Foundation Classroom Building, a campus survey and a…
The Pride
February 5, 2002

Vol. 9, No. 15 of The Pride reported on new requirements for student visas in the wake of 9/11, the future of the campus, and national recycling…
The Pride
February 12, 2002

The Vol. 10, No. 2 editions of The Pride cover reported on changes within the ASI staff, parking changes including increased fees, and the appointment…
The Pride
February 19, 2002

The Vol. 10, No. 3 issue of The Pride reported on the death of "Uncle Henry" Rodriguez. The proposed parking proposal has been dropped, Student Health…
The Pride
February 26, 2002

In the Vol. 10, No. 4 edition of The Pride, are articles about Upward Bound, sexuality classes at UC-Berkeley, the construction of apartments close to…
The Pride
March 5, 2002

The Vol. 10, No. 5 edition of The Pride reported the death of Computer Science professor Dr. Hung-Yu Lin. Also covered were the upcoming ASI…
The Pride
March 12, 2002

The negotiations between the California Faculty Association (CFA) and the CSU system are highlighted on the cover of the Vol. 10, No. 6 edition of The…
The Pride
March 19, 2002

Cover stories of the Vol. 10, No. 7 edition of The Pride included a report on the CSUSM Women's Resource Fair, new course withdrawal guidelines, and…
The Pride
April 9, 2002

The Vol. 10, No. 9 edition of The Pride included coverage of the ASI election and the contract ratification by the CFA. Dr. Graham Oberem is the 2002…
The Pride
April 16, 2002

Vol. 10, No. 10 of The Pride reports on celebrations for Cesar E. Chavez and "Uncle Henry" Rodriguez. The new shopping center is now open across from…
The Pride
April 23, 2002

The Vol. 10, No. 11 edition of The Pride reported on a fundraising concert, Earth Day events, and a response from the library to student suggestions.
The Pride
April 30, 2002

Vol. 10, No. 12 of The Pride includes reporting on the CSUSM job fair, a tentative agreement between the CSU and the California State Employees…
The Pride
May 7, 2002

The Vol. 13, No. 13 edition of The Pride included reporting on history students presenting at a regional conference, construction funding for the new…
The Pride
May 14, 2002

The cover of the Vol. 10, No. 14 of The Pride reports on the Cougar Track Team 15-person entry into the National Association of Intercollegiate…
The Pride
May 21, 2002

Vol. 13, No. 15 of The Pride reported on the Collaborative Academic Preparation Initiative (CAPI), Asian Pacific Heritage Month, and a Small Press…
The Pride
September 3, 2002

The Vol. 10x, No. 1 issue of The Pride features the Cougars Surf Team and the ongoing construction of the campus.
(Note: This year was…
The Pride
September 10, 2002

The Pride's Vol. 10x, No. 2 edition highlights the grand opening of the new Arts and Science buildings, a Q&A on Islam, and irregularities with the…
The Pride
September 17, 2002

The cover of the Vol. 10x, No. 3 edition of The Pride reports on campus parking and the death of a CSUSM student missing since September 4. (Note:…
The Pride
September 24, 2002

San Marcos Skate Parks and the launch of an Inter-Continental Ballistic Missile (ICBM) from Vandenberg Air Force Base dominate the Vol. 10x, No. 4…
The Pride
October 1, 2002

Vol. 10x, No. 5 announces the continuation of curb parking, tips to avoid getting the flu, and the tenure faculty ceremony held on September 25th.…
The Pride
October 8, 2002

The Vol. 10x, No. 6 edition of The Pride reports on the 10th Annual Tukwut Pow Wow, AIDS testing at the Student Health Services as well as…
The Pride
October 15, 2002

The Vol. 10x, No. 7 edition of The Pride reported on the AVID conference held on campus, a Veterans' Association BBQ, and a problematic game of Cal…
The Pride
October 22, 2002

The Pride Vol. 10x, No. 8 edition reports on a new "convenience fee" to use credit cards for student payments, activist Jonathan Kozol is scheduled to…
The Pride
October 29, 2002

The Vol. 10x, No. 9 issue of the Pride reports on the celebration of Filipino-American History Month and some "tricks" to getting into medical school.…
The Pride
November 5, 2002

The Vol. 10x, No. 10 edition of The Pride features reporting on the 8th Annual Dia de los Muertos celebration as well as President Gonzalez' response…
The Pride
November 12, 2002

This issue of The Pride (Vol. 10x, No. 11) has a focus on the Arts. The Women's Rites Symposium ended with a showing of the documentary film,…
The Pride
November 19, 2002

The Veterans' Day Celebration is the focus of the cover of the Vol. 10x, No. 12 issue of The Pride. Also featured in this edition was the MBA Alumni…
The Pride
December 3, 2002

Growing pains on campus in the Registration and Administration areas, the Fall Graduation Reception, and international education are featured in the…
The Pride
December 10, 2002

The dilemma of PeopleSoft software package and its' effects to the CSU, and ASI movie night problems lead the articles in the Vol. 10x, No. 14 edition…
The Pride
January 28, 2003

The Vol. 10x, No. 16 of The Pride contains articles about the continuing parking issues on campus, anti-war protests, another power outage, the ASI…
The Pride
February 4, 2003

The Challenger Disaster dominated the coverage of the Vol. 10x, No. 16 edition of The Pride. Some of the other stories inside the pages focused on…
The Pride
February 11, 2003

Parking is a burning issue at the State of the Campus Address as reported in the Vol. 10x, No. 18 of The Pride. Recycling, military students, class…
The Pride
February 18, 2003

Vol. 10x, No. 19 reports on the controversy surrounding removal and reinstatement of an ASI representative. Other articles report on Black History…
The Pride
February 25, 2003

Vol. 10x, No. 20 of The Pride has two articles about funding above the fold; the Federal Financial Aid deadline and the issues with the California…
The Pride
March 4, 2003

The Vol. 10x, No. 21 edition of The Pride reports on a talk by Nobel Prize winning economist Douglass C. North, campus ASI leaders attendance a t the…
The Pride
March 11, 2003

The results are in The Pride, Vol. 10x, No. 22! The 2002 National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE) gives CSUSM high marks in a number of…
The Pride
March 18, 2003

A personal account of the impact of the budget cuts appears as the cover story of The Prides' Vol. 10x, No. 23 edition. President Alexander Gonzalez…
The Pride
March 25, 2003

Parking, and the upcoming parking fee increases take up much of the cover of this edition of the paper. The Pride (Vol. 10x. No. 24) also reports on…
The Pride
April 8, 2003

The Vol. 10x, No. 25 edition of The Pride includes articles on suicide awareness, tuition costs and civil liberties in light of the current war with…
The Pride
April 15, 2003

In the Vol. 10x, No. 26 issue of The Pride, an article on the recent War Debate held on campus hosted by the College Republicans and the Progressive…
The Pride
April 22, 2003

The cover stories of the Vol. 10x, No. 27 edition of The Pride highlight what could happen to the paper in light of budget cuts and opportunities at…
The Pride
April 29, 2003

Nominations for the Harry E. Brakebill Outstanding Professor award are due, a job fair, and a event with California State Senator Dennis Hollingsworth…
The Pride
May 6, 2003

Ride sharing, social issues, and the CSU's procurement of PeopleSoft, along with a list of the graduating seniors finish out the Vol. 10x, No. 29…
The Pride
September 16, 2003

Vol. 11, No. 1 covers local textbook retailer, the opening of the Clarke Field House, enrollment pressures, the new dorms (University Village), an…
The Pride
September 23, 2003

Vol. 11, No. 2 reports on the delay of the new library opening, declining voter registration, the status of parking, campus safety, Disabled Student…
The Pride
September 30, 2003

Politics are a focus of this issue (Vol. 11, No. 3) as well as a protest against SUVs led by the Progressive Activist Network, music file sharing…
The Pride
October 7, 2003

Vol. 11, No. 4 covers the Powwow, poor turnout to meet the Dean of Students, free speech and the "78 magazine", and the Proposition 54 forum.
The Pride
October 14, 2003

Vol. 11, No. 5 covers politics, California Faculty Association's stance on the CSU budget, barriers to clubs showing films, activities at the Clarke…
The Pride
October 21, 2003

Vol. 11, No. 6 reports on three candidates for the CSUSM president position, grocery store strike, car-buying advice, interview with student Nichole…
The Pride
October 28, 2003

Vol. 11, No. 7 addresses free speech on campus through the actions on National Day of Protest Against Police Brutality. Announcement of the…
The Pride
November 4, 2003

Vol. 11, No.8 focuses on the wildfires around campus and San Diego, ensuing campus closure, cleanup and resources for victims.
The Pride
November 11, 2003

Vol. 11, No.9 published stories about Campus Equity Week for adjunct faculty, summaries of the campus presidential candidates' visits, calls for fire…
The Pride
November 18, 2003

Vol. 11, No. 10 includes articles on the move of the Early Learning Center to a proposed site on campus, summary of the Campus Equity Week activities,…
The Pride
November 25, 2003

News reports in Vol. 11, No. 11 on the selection of Karen S. Haynes as campus president, death of College of Business student in Cedar Fire, and…
The Pride
December 2, 2003

Vol. 11, No. 12 informs readers of the transition activities of newly-selected President Karen S. Haynes, alcohol and AIDS awareness training, ASI's…
The Pride
December 9, 2003

Vol. 11, No. 13 examines the state of the Women and Ethnic Studies departments, reaction to online course schedules and registration, an upcoming…
The Pride
January 20, 2004

Vol. 11, No. 11 (note: this edition is misidentified as No. 11, it should be No. 14 of Volume 11.) welcomes back students with the new library and…
The Pride
January 27, 2004

Vol. 11, No. 15 covers the ASI Board resolution for an environmental course requirement, CFA on the state budget, fire in Academic Hall, the Kellogg…
The Pride
February 3, 2004

An interview with new campus president, Karen S. Haynes is on the front page of Vol. 11, No. 16 with dismal budget forecast from Chancellor Charles…
The Pride
February 10, 2004

Vol. 11, No. 17 takes a look at CalGrants, campus recycling efforts, Propositions 55, 57 and 58, male enhancement advertising, and El Camino High…
The Pride
February 17, 2004

Articles in the Vol. 11, No. 18 issue include Lobby Corps presentations on clean money in politics, voter registration, local property development,…
The Pride
February 24, 2004

Vol. 11, No. 19 has articles on budget cut protests, MEChA conference, textbook price report, Black History Month, and a look at local business, Stone…
The Pride
March 2, 2004

This issue (Vol. 11, No. 20) covers California Faculty Association actions to save lecturer positions, reaction to Gibson's "Passion of the Christ", a…
The Pride
March 9, 2004

Vol. 11, No. 21 focuses on travel with articles on Study Abroad opportunities, travel to Israel, Puerto Rico, German and Spain, and interviews…
The Pride
March 16, 2004

Vol. 11, No. 22 covers a proposed Student Health Services fee, ASI election slate, Part Two of the series on College of Education budget cuts, CoE…
The Pride
March 23, 2004

This issue (Vol. 11, No. 23) covers role playing games, Early Learning Center protest over funding cuts and proposed fee, action for sustainable…
The Pride
April 6, 2004

Vol. 11, No. 24 reports on the continuation of summer classes and ASI election results. Much of the issue is devoted to student fees, parking woes and…
The Pride
April 13, 2004

Vol. 11, No. 25 includes articles on campus vandalism, dorm summer housing, continued discussion of the Early Learning Center, fee increase proposal…
The Pride
April 20, 2004

Vol. 11, No. 26 reports on research across campus, job fair, budget cuts for the College of Arts & Sciences, summer studies in Mexico, evacuation of…
The Pride
April 27, 2004

This issue (No. 27 of Vol. 11) reports on the ASI decision for a fee referendum for the Early Learning Center, student protests against budget cuts,…
The Pride
May 4, 2004

Vol. 11, No. 28 looks at several graduating students and their plans, Commencement plans and the change to two ceremonies held off campus. Names of…
The Pride
August 31, 2004

This first issue of the fall semester (Vol. 12, No. 1) features stories on Discount Campus Books, President Karen Haynes' plans for her first full…
The Pride
September 7, 2004

Vol. 12, No. 2, notes the campus' 15th anniversary, increase in the CSU budget, Cruisin' Grand, class crashers, and an interview with language…
The Pride
September 14, 2004

Coverage of the cancellation of Michael Moore's lecture, convenience fee for student registration by credit card, Casino Night, and health services…
The Pride
September 21, 2004

Vol. 12, No. 4 continues coverage on Michael Moore's cancellation, debate between College Republicans and Progressive Activist Network, budget…
The Pride
September 28, 2004

Vol. 13, No. [5] was handwritten by staff to get published due to office move. This issue reports on protests surrounding the cancellation of Michael…
The Pride
October 5, 2004

Vol. 12, No. 6 reports on ticket sales for Michael Moore's lecture, building issues at University Village, construction of the College of Business…
The Pride
October 12, 2004

This issue (Vol. 12, No. 7) informs readers about potential reinstatement of selective service, the possible closure of the Early Learning Center due…
The Pride
October 19, 2004

The paper reports on Michael Moore's lecture and scholarship as well as related protest, a rain-soaked job fair, Relay for life held on campus, and…
The Pride
October 26, 2004

Vol, 12, No. 9 announces the Early Learning Center referendum passes, proposition debates on campus, the celebration to start the College of Business…
The Pride
November 2, 2004

Vol. 12. No. 10 includes stories on political debates, racial profiling, cancellation of Pow Wow, Richard Sulpizio in "The Executive's Chair", Study…
The Pride
November 9, 2004

Vol. 12, No. 11 covers a forum on the campus police, the 15th anniversary celebration, election events and watching, parking lot flooding, the Wang…
The Pride
November 16, 2004

Featured stories in Vol. 12, No. 12 include a protest over President Haynes' non-attendance at the campus police forum, financial aid difficulties,…
The Pride
November 30, 2004

President Haynes meets in an open forum with students on campus policing, reporters check the statistics on campus arrests, student giving during the…
The Pride
December 7, 2004

Vol. 12, No, 14 reports on the campus police forums, the Library Reading Room space, benefit for injured student, President Haynes in the classroom,…
The Pride
January 18, 2005

Vol. 3, No. 1 covers the retirement announcement of Robert Schultheis, campus police chief and the new Library exhibit on Commodore Perry and Japan as…
The Pride
January 25, 2005

Vol. 13, No. 2 reports on vandalism in Academic Hall, Black History Month activities, the joint doctorate in Education with UCSD and SDSU, the Clarke…
The Pride
February 1, 2005

This issue (Vol. 13, No. 3) reports on President Karen Haynes' report to the community, construction by University Hall, military servicemembers lost…
The Pride
February 8, 2005

Parking, Discount Campus Books, a new mobile campus command post, and an exploding light fixture are on the front page of Vol. 13, No. 4. The…
The Pride
February 15, 2005

Vol. 13, No. 5 includes an interview with the student at the center of the racial profiling incident, issues with advising services, Valentine's Day…
The Pride
February 22, 2005

Vol. 13, No. 6 covers alcohol awareness training coming to campus, voting on a student sports fee, "state of the campus" address by President Haynes,…
The Pride
March 8, 2005

Vol. 13, No. 7 informs the campus on upcoming changes to the Dome, Wellness and Women's History Month events, ASI elections and candidate statements,…
The Pride
March 15, 2005

This issue (Vol. 13, No. 8) includes reporting on Iraq veterans' forum, campus visit by Donna Frye, wellness events, and the status of NCAA…
The Pride
March 22, 2005

Vol. 13, No. 9 reports on Donna Frye's visit to campus, campus police participation in DUI checkpoints, ASI candidate platforms, fraternity…
The Pride
April 5, 2005

This post-spring break issue reports on the ASI election results, the Academic Freedom Forum, Oaxacan culture exhibit, rock climbing, and the…
The Pride
April 12, 2005

The Cesar Chavez celebration, CSUSM's win in recyclemania, RAD rape prevention training, ASI protest, and environmental concerns are top stories in…
The Pride
April 19, 2005

No. 12 of Vol. 13 showcases Recyclemania, diversity events, library assistance during finals, Computer Competency Requirement, and Earth Day.
The Pride
April 26, 2005

Articles in Vol. 13, No. 13 cover the Michael Moore scholarship, blood drive, tuition protests, teacher career fair, and filmmaker and alumnus Jason…
The Pride
May 3, 2005

Vol. 13, No. 14 provides information on commencement preparations, the report from the Task Force on Campus Policing, and a study on student suicide…
The Pride
August 30, 2005

Vol. 14, No. 1 covers the new Citizen's Academy to improve campus/police relations, what students need to do at the beginning of the new semester, and…
The Pride
September 6, 2005

Vol. 14, No. 2 reports on a memorial for Kevin Igasaki, Director of the Language Learning Center, fundraisers for Katrina victims, Librarian Melanie…
The Pride
September 13, 2005

This issue (Vol. 14, No. 3) observes National Hispanic Heritage Month, the progress on the CoBA building, gun locks, getting psychological help…
The Pride
September 20, 2005

Articles on racial profiling case, continued campus and nearby construction, renovation of Craven Hall, and Rush Week. Politics are represented in…
The Pride
September 27, 2005

Top stories in Vol. 14, No. 5 include the new Biotechnology major, Health Fair, death of campus benefactor W. Keith Kellogg, III, the Orientation Team…
The Pride
October 4, 2005

Vol. 14, No. 6 reports on a faculty tenure grievance, recycling success, Oktoberfest celebration, Proposition 73, Amnesty International, upcoming…
The Pride
October 11, 2005

Vol. 14, No. 7 reports on the McMahon House planning, the Lady Cougars sport dance team, the fall Masquerade Ball, American Indian Student Alliance…
The Pride
October 18, 2005

Vol. 14, No. 8 includes articles on the proposed University Hour, a Katrina Forum, upcoming blood drive, RAD workshop, alcohol awareness and campus…
The Pride
October 25, 2005

Vol. 14, No. 9 published articles on the Lost Boys of Sudan's visit to campus, abusive relationships, a campaign for prostitution rights, Professor…
The Pride
November 1, 2005

Halfway through the semester, Vol. 14, No. 10 has articles on the state of the campus report by President Haynes, the start of American Indian…
The Pride
November 8, 2005

Vol. 14, No. 11 covers Veterans' Day celebration, a campus assault, approved tuition increase, flu pandemic, grade inflation, and expansion of…
The Pride
November 15, 2005

Vol. 14, No. 12 reports on Veterans' Day activities, a teddy bear drive by University Police, Early Learning Center fundraiser, and an interview with…
The Pride
November 22, 2005

Vol. 14, No. 13 covers the Model United Nations convening at CSUSM, CSU presidents' raises in light of student fee increases, local military families…
The Pride
December 6, 2005

This week's edition (Vol. 14, No. 14) reports on the upcoming Vagina Monologues event, Tookie Williams activism by Professor Lance Newman, the…
The Pride
January 17, 2006

Vol. 15, No. 1 reacquaints readers with the Cesar Chavez statue, notes faculty move into Markstein Hall (AKA Business), a review of the campus crime…
The Pride
January 24, 2006

Vol. 15, No. 2 covers Recyclemania, a textbook shortage at the bookstore, the campus crime report and police collaboration with public, upcoming Black…
The Pride
January 31, 2006

Vol. 15, No. 3 reports on the Chinese New Year, campus scholarships, HIV testing, and a lecture sponsored by the National Latino Research Center on…
The Pride
February 7, 2006

This week's issue (Vol. 15, No. 4) covers faculty protests and grievances, President Haynes' state of the campus community address, vandalism, the…
The Pride
February 14, 2006

Vol. 15, No. 5 reports on barricades in the parking lot for pedestrian safety, film showing of "Invisible Children" and "No!", the work of the Chamber…
The Pride
February 21, 2006

This week's issue (Vol. 15, No. 6) reports on the ASI budget, campus crime reports, the 41st Annual History Conference hosting on campus, service…
The Pride
February 28, 2006

The Vol. 15, No. 7 issue promotes the upcoming Spring Fling dance, the student research competition, parking issues, and the opening (and rumors) of…
Homecoming 2006
February 28, p.1-4

Announcement of plans for Spring Fling as alumni spring homecoming event.
The Pride
March 7, 2006

Vol. 15, No. 8 reports doubling occupancy in University Village apartments, alcohol sales crackdown, police emergency response, the Career Center's…
The Pride
March 14, 2006

Vol. 15, No. 9 reports on the Early Learning Center groundbreaking, faculty and student protest, parking issues of spaces and fees, and Holocaust…
The Pride
March 21, 2006

Vol. 15, No. 10 features stories on a contentious visit by an Iraqi speaker, the LGBTA-sponsored drag show, the Crash Awards for student service, and…
The Pride
April 4, 2006

Vol. 15, No. 11 features articles on demonstrations about gay marriage rights and violence against women, as well as a congressional forum, upcoming…
The Pride
April 11, 2006

Volume 15, No. 2 leads with the visit by Dolores Huerta, ASI election results and low turnout, the opening of the Women's Center, national win by the…
The Pride
April 18, 2006

The Recyclemania win leads the news in Vol. 15, No. 13. Other articles look at the value of course evaluations, a presentation on bias in media by…
The Pride
April 25, 2006

Vol. 15, No. 14 announces the upcoming protest and boycott regarding HR-4437 on immigration, preparations for the African American student recognition…
The Pride
May 2, 2006

Vol. 15, No. 15 has articles on the immigration protest rally, the official opening of Markstein Hall, Commencement preparations, the First All…
The Pride
August 22, 2006

Vol. 16, No. 1 announces the opening of parking lot F, a photo spread on Washington DC, and advice on not buying textbooks.
The Pride
August 29, 2006

Vol. 16. No, 2 looks at the new room arrangements in University Village, alerts the reader to record enrollment, covers the NAIA soccer pep rally, and…
The Pride
September 5, 2006

A look at Associated Students Incorporated, report on traffic issues on campus, and an article on flu and immunization are in this week's Vol. 16, No.…
The Pride
September 12, 2006

The feature stories are on campus traffic issues, highlighted with a car/pedestrian accident and plans for traffic control. Other stories feature surf…
The Pride
September 19, 2006

Vol. 16, No. 5 covers club sports, soccer win, Yellow Ribbon Week, the need for more faculty in Women's Studies, and international and exchange…
The Pride
September 26, 2006

Vol. 16, No. 6 covers the remodel of the Craven Hall courtyard, new student registration system, electrical outage in Academic Hall, Indian Week…
The Pride
October 3, 2006

This issue (Vol. 16, No. 7) has a health focus in informing readers about tuberculosis and AIDS, as well as reporting on the Masquerade Ball, and…
The Pride
October 10, 2006

Vol. 16, No. 8 reports on the veteran's photo exhibit in the Library, AIDS awareness with the Africa Tent exhibit, the under-used Writing Center, and…
Masquerade 2006
October 10, p.4

Mention of the success of the 6th ball as part of Fever Week activities.
Masquerade 2006
October 10, p.12

Alumni letter to the Pride about being refused attendance to the ball as part of homecoming.
The Pride
October 17, 2006

Vol. 16, No. 9 reports on the campus Oktoberfest, Coming Out Day, and RAD training.
The Pride
October 24, 2006

Vol. 15, No. 10 alerts the reader to an upcoming cancer awareness workshop, the move of the LGBTA Club's Multicultural Center to Craven Hall,…
The Pride
October 31, 2006

Vol. 16, No. 11 covers the visit by students from Universidad Autonoma de Baja California in Tijuana, the expected display of the AIDS Quilt, local…
The Pride
November 7, 2006

This week's issue (Vol. 16, No. 12) covers campus traffic issues, cancer educational exhibit, and life in University Village Apartments. The release…
The Pride
November 14, 2006

Vol. 16, No. 13 reports on student research competition preparation, Veteran's Day activities, the midterm elections, Road Trip Nation's visit, Campus…
The Pride
November 21, 2006

Vol. 16, No. 14 reports on student posting to Facebook, The Prominence Pilot Project regarding off-campus behavior in relation to Executive Order 969,…
The Pride
December 5, 2006

This issue (Vol. 16, No. 15) announces the 2007 Alternative Spring Break option, reviews the AIDS Quilt exhibit, covers ASIST for first-generation…
The Pride
January 23, 2007

Vol. 17,, No. 1 covers faculty wage protest, the establishment of a new fraternity (Zeta Beta Tau), the opening of Cougar Central for student…
The Pride
January 30, 2007

This week's issue (Vol. 17, No. 2) reports on a student saved campus police officer's quick actions, the move of the Cross-Cultural Center, faculty…
The Pride
February 6, 2007

Vol. 17, No. 3 printed stories on campus traffic accident and safety, the status of the Sprinter (light rail), Phase II of campus construction, and…
The Pride
February 13, 2007

This issue (Vol. 17, No. 4) publishes a response to the campus safety editorial in issue No. 3, reviews the Erik Otto exhibit in the library,…
The Pride
February 20, 2007

Vol. 17, No. 5 covers the response to an anti-abortion exhibit on campus, ASI election applications, Black Panther film event, and several articles on…
The Pride
February 27, 2007

Vol. 17. No. 6 covers a rock festival, upcoming faculty vote on a strike decision, the dedication of the Tukwut Courtyard, the first Alumni Gala, and…
The Pride
March 6, 2007

Vol. 17, No. 8 reports on the Tukwut Courtyard dedication, new online services from the Writing Center, the swearing in of the new campus police…
The Pride
March 13, 2007

The faculty vote for a strike leads the news in Vol. 17, No. 8 alongside the ASI election forum. Women prisoners lecture as part of Women's Herstory…
The Pride
March 20, 2007

This issue of the Pride (Vol. 17, No. 9) announces a new student fee hike, the new Masters in History degree for fall, the blood drive, student…
The Pride
April 3, 2007

Vol. 17. No. 10 informs readers on the low ASI voter turnout, a same-sex marriage demonstration, the impending faculty strike, a power outage, and…
The Pride
April 10, 2007

Vol. 17, No. 11 covers the tentative agreement to avert a faculty strike, upcoming multiculturalism speaker, job fair, and technology available for…
The Pride
April 17, 2007

Vol. 17, No. 12 mourns the victims of the Virginia Tech shooting, informs readers about the DREAM Act, notes the CFA wage vote, and President Haynes'…
The Pride
April 24, 2007

This issue (Vol. 17, No. 13) looks at the Virginia Tech forum held on campus, another win in Recyclemania, budget-related activities by students, and…
The Pride
May 1, 2007

Vol. 17. No. 14 memorializes Lorena Barraza, CSUSM student killed in a car accident, looks at the future of the Early Learning Center, reports on the…
The Pride
May 8, 2007

Suicide prevention leads this issue (Vol. 17, No. 15) along with articles on a forum on bringing Asian American Studies to campus, paintball…
The Pride
August 28, 2007

Vol. 18, No. 1 starts off a new academic year with articles on building safety awareness, student resources, and welcome back activities including…
The Pride
September 4, 2007

Vol. 18, No. 2 has been located, not yet digitized. Please contact University Archives for assistance.
The Pride
September 11, 2007

Vol. 18, No. 3 has been located, not yet digitized. Please contact University Archives for assistance.
The Pride
September 18, 2007

Vol. 18, No. 4 (issues 2 and 3 are missing from collection) covers Chancellor Charles Reed's proposal to increase executive salaries, healthy eating…
The Pride
September 25, 2007

Vol. 18, No. 5 reports on the executive salary increase, introduction of Jui-Jitsu to campus, celebration of Latino heritage, and the upcoming…
The Pride
October 2, 2007

Vol. 18, No. 6 continues coverage on the controversial CSU executive salary increase, a protest against racism in support of the Jena 6, RAD (rape and…
The Pride
October 9, 2007

Vol. 18, No. 7 continues coverage on CSU executive salaries, reports on the President's Open Forums with students and staff, the new traffic lights to…
The Pride
October 16, 2007

This issue (note: this edition is misidentified as No. 7, it should be No. 8 of Volume 18) alerts readers to the return of Alternative Spring Break…
The Pride
October 23, 2007

This issue (Vol. 18, No. 9) was not distributed due to the campus closure from the Coronado Hills fire.
The Pride
October 30, 2007

Volume 18, No. 7 (should be numbered as issue 10 of Volume 18) covers the San Diego fires including the Coronado Hills fire that closed the campus for…
The Pride
November 6, 2007

Vol. 18, No. 11 follows the aftermath and cleanup from the San Diego County fires, increased emergency preparedness actions, the revivial of the Black…
The Pride
November 13, 2007

Vol. 18, No. 12 reports on a state audit of CSU executive compensation practice, Cross Country competition for NAIA championship, the Writers Guild…
The Pride
November 20, 2007

Vol. 18, No. 13 stories include pending parking fee increase, student action against tuition hikes, the CSU's proposed 08-09 budget, and a look at the…
The Pride
December 4, 2007

Vol. 18, No. 13 (should be issue 14 of Vol. 18) investigates the rationale for parking rate increases and the future parking structure, the bookstore…
The Pride
January 22, 2008

The first edition of the Spring 2008 semester introduces new paper staff and reveals some resolutions.
The Pride
January 29, 2008

Vol. 19, No. 2 reports on the welcome activities for transfer students, the CSU budget crisis, and the library exhibit on hate crime.
The Pride
February 5, 2008

Vol. 19, No. 1 should be cited as No. 3 of Vol. 19. This issue focuses on politics including Super Tuesday and a student seat on the CSU Board of…
The Pride
February 12, 2008

Vol. 19, No. 4 summarizes Chancellor Charles Reed's message on the CSU budget crisis, politics centered around the primaries, Greek Week activities,…
The Pride
February 19, 2008

The shooting at Northern Illinois University raises new calls for preparedness at CSUSM from campus Police, Other stories in Vol. 9, No. 5 include…
The Pride
February 26, 2008

Vol. 19, No. 6 reports on increased traffic patrols and congestion, monthly Multicultural Forums, a presentation and discussion on the film…
The Pride
March 4, 2008

Vol. 19, No. 7 reports on the campus protests over budget cuts, the opening of the Sprinter light rail, Black History Month activities, and the…
The Pride
March 11, 2008

Vol. 19, No. 8 covers the continuing budget issues, the opening of the Sprinter light rail, and Inter-Varsity's response to controversial religious…
The Pride
March 18, 2008

Vol. 19, No. 9 reports on the early closure of the Spring Fling due to attendee behavior, upcoming ASI elections, a DREAM Act forum, and a Pizza and…
The Pride
March 25, 2008

Planning for the new Student Union is underway in Vol. 19, No. 10. Gas prices are on the rise, San Diego bans alcohol on beaches in a one-year trial,…
The Pride
April 8, 2008

Vol. 19, No. 11 includes a safety alert for a possible campus threat, preparations for a budget protest in Sacramento, upcoming President's Forum with…
The Pride
April 15, 2008

A candlelight vigil at the Cesar Chavez statue, Take Back the Night, and Sleepless in San Diego are all evening events reported in Vol. 19, No. 12.…
The Pride
April 22, 2008

Vol. 19, No. 13 interviews new ASI President Alexander Hoang, reports on the International Fair, and CoBA students' plans to create a yearbook for…
The Pride
April 29, 2008

Feature stories include Tukwut Leadership Awards, budget protests, the National Day of Silence, All People's Celebration, and yet another Recyclemania…
The Pride
May 6, 2008

Commencement leads the stories in Vol. 19, No. 15 along with stories on continuing budget protests, the All Peoples Ceremony, and the upcoming new…
The Pride
August 26, 2008

The first issue of the fall 2008 semester (Vol. 20, No. 1) features a letter from the editor and announcement of a Welcome Week calendar. On the…
The Pride
September 2, 2008

Vol. 20, No. 2 covers the political scene with the choice of Barak Obama as presidential candidate and John McCain's choice of Sarah Palin as his…
The Pride
September 9, 2008

Vol. 20, No. 3 features the unveiling of the Tukwut statute in the courtyard outside Cougar Central, follows up on presidential candidate nominations,…
The Pride
September 16, 2008

Vol. 20, No. 4 memorializes the passing of Professor Tom Wahlund, notes the efforts on emergency preparedness, Rush Week activities, and comments on…
The Pride
September 23, 2008

With the semester underway, the Pride turns its attention to the CFA's stance on the CSU budget, Peace Day, Educational Effectiveness Review, and the…
The Pride
September 30, 2008

Vol. 20, No. 6 has several articles on the Presidential race and the American Democracy Project, but leads with a look at local Native Americans and…
The Pride
October 7, 2008

Politics is the focus of Vol. 20, No. 7 with a look at the vice-presidental debate, students attending a Palin rally, voter guide, and a review of the…
The Pride
October 14, 2008

Vol. 20, No. 8 continues election and political event coverage, including voter registration and the debates. Other news is the elimination of the…
The Pride
October 21, 2008

The one year anniversary of the San Diego County fires is observed in Vol. 20, No. 9. Other articles cover the events of International Education Week…
The Pride
October 28, 2008

Vol. 20, No. 10 continues election and political coverage with one week left to the elections. ASI prepares for the Alternative Spring Break in 2009…
The Pride
November 5, 2008

Vol.. 20, No. 11 announces Obama's win, Pizza and Politics looks at immigration, and the CSU budget gets hit with a sizable cut.
The Pride
November 12, 2008

The Mr. Alpha Chi fund raiser will be benefiting alumna with breast cancer in Vol. 20, No. 12. A protest is organized against Proposition 8,…
The Pride
November 18, 2008

Vol. 20, No. 12 (this issue should be No. 13 of Vol. 20) announce a graduation reception for fall COAS graduates, the winner of Mr. Alpha Chi and the…
The Pride
December 2, 2008

Vol. 20, No. 14 remarks on World AIDS Day, the President's open forums, and the first meeting of the MIS Society for CoBA students. Dr. Soheila…
The Pride
January 20, 2009

Volume 21, number 1 of The Pride. This issue introduces the new title of the independent student newspaper and staff. The issue also includes stories…
The Pride
January 27, 2009

Volume 21, number 2 of The Pride. The issue includes extended articles about the 2009 inauguration of President Obama and campus parking fees.
The Pride
February 3, 2009

Volume 21, number 3 of The Pride. The issue includes extended articles about Black History Month. Other stories are about RecycleMania, congressional…
The Pride
February 10, 2009

Volume 21, No. 4 focuses on Valentine's Day observance and customs, a short article on lessening your environmental impact, student dance group, and…
The Pride
February 17, 2009

Volume 21, number 5 of The Pride. The issue includes extended articles about the recession, high tuition fees, and personal finance.
The Pride
February 24, 2009

The front page of Vol. 21, No. 6 looks at the planning process for the Student Union building. Additional articles report on undocumented students,…
The Pride
March 3, 2009

Vol, 21, No. 7 reports on Women's History/Herstory Month, life as a Resident Advisor, and the open forum on ROTC. Readers learn about the history of…
The Pride
March 10, 2009

Vol. 21, No. 8 reminds readers that Amber Dubois continues to be missing, interviews ASI President Alexander Hoang, what to do in case of a car…
The Pride
March 17, 2009

This issue (Vol. 21, No. 9) is devoted to Women's Herstory/History Month. A number of female faculty and staff are interviewed to learn about what…
The Pride
March 24, 2009

Vol. 21, No. 10 interviews the ASI candidates, places to go for Spring Break, advice on sun precautions, and the column "Bill of Rights" addresses the…
The Pride
April 7, 2009

Vol. 21, No. 12 reports on the ASI election, with the President not yet decided. Student health in alcohol awareness and stress management are also…
The Pride
April 14, 2009

This issue of the Pride, Vo. 21, No. 12 reports on the Alternative Spring Break working with Habitat for Humanity, upcoming job fair and International…
The Pride
April 21, 2009

Vol. 21, No. 13 reports on Earth Day and the International Fair, and announces that CSUSM has achieved Asian American, Native American, Pacific…
The Pride
April 28, 2009

This issue of the Pride includes coverage of the Tukwut Leadership Night, an update to the ASI elections with the announcement of the winner for…
The Pride
May 5, 2009

The final issue of Spring 2009 (Vol. 21, No. 15) looks at Commencement preparations at the Del Mar Fairgrounds. Other stories include student…
The Pride
September 1, 2009

The first issue of fall 2009 looks at the beginning of the university's 20th year. Furloughs in faculty and staff schedules to reflect a 10 percent…
The Pride
September 15, 2009

Vol. 22, No. 2 continues coverage on the impact the furlough has on course availability. Other articles look at low unemployment rates, campus sports,…
The Pride
September 29, 2009

The CSUSM Surf Team's win of the national championship is front-page news, followed by stories on the new weekly Farmer's Market in Lot C, a lecture…
The Pride
October 13, 2009

Vol, 22, No. 4 carries stories on the annual Guelaguetza celebration, the beam signing for the Social and Behavioral Sciences Building (SBSB), and the…
The Pride
October 20, 2009

Vol. 22, No. 5 covers local entertainment, seasonal employment, and continued protest over the effects of budget cuts on student success with a look…
The Pride
October 27, 2009

Vol. 22, No. 6 focused on Halloween folklore, customs, and activities. The impact of the instructional furlough due to budget cuts is covered.…
The Pride
November 3, 2009

Vol, 22, No. 7 reports on a variety of topics including the latest campus safety report, Love Your Body event as part of student health, the…
The Pride
November 10, 2009

Vol. 22, No. 8 looks at the budget impact on delayed registration for Spring, the drinking age debate, and an interview with Professor Heidi Breuer.
The Pride
November 17, 2009

This issue (Vol. 22, No. 9) looks at the shortage of the H1N1 vaccine, Study Abroad opportunities and the new Global Studies major. Campus giving…
The Pride
December 1, 2009

Sports are the feature of this issue of the Pride (Vol. 22, No. 10). The women's cross-country takes the NAIA National Championship. Men's…
The Pride
January 26, 2010

This issue (dated 2009 on the paper, but actually Vol. 23, No. 1 of 2010) has relief efforts in the wake of the Haiti earthquake on the front page.…
The Pride
February 2, 2010

Vol. 23, No. 2 covers CSUSM's 20th anniversary celebrations, the inauguration of the new softball field, and budget proposals that may help the CSU.…
The Pride
February 9, 2010

Vol. 23, No. 3 continues coverage on the first weeks of the new semester with stories on proposed athletics fee increase, Welcome Fair, CSU budget,…
The Pride
February 23, 2010

Vol. 23, No. 4 reports on the upcoming faculty and student "Day of Action" to protest the budget, the granting of Hispanic Serving Institution (HSI)…
The Pride
March 2, 2010

This issue (Vol. 23, No. 5) reports on the disappearance of Chelsea King, the first ever CSUSM Roundup foot race, hazards of social smoking,…
The Pride
March 16, 2010

A faculty teach-in to protest budget cuts leads the news in Vol 23, No. 6. Also on the front page is the story of Amber Dubois and Chelsea King's…
The Pride
March 23, 2010

The Vol. 23, No. 7 issue includes stories on Recyclemania, various activities and safety during Spring Break, and national health care reform,
The Pride
April 13, 2010

This issue (Vol. 23, No. 8) informs on campus emergency preparedness for earthquakes, summer school administered through Extended Learning due to…
The Pride
April 20, 2010

New ASI officers elected with a low turnout and the cancellation of a student/faculty play about the budget are front page news in Vol. 23, No. 9.…
The Pride
April 27, 2010

CSU Stanislaus takes front of paper with a scandal over documents shredded in connection to a visit to the campus by Sarah Palin, Vice-Presidential…
The Pride
May 4, 2010

Student participation in the Relay for Life fundraiser is top news in Vol. 23, No. 11. Commencement information is provided and as the semester winds…
The Pride
August 31, 2010

The paper (Vol. 24, No. 1) kicks off a new semester with a look at the aftereffects of the furlough and textbook prices, introduces the paper's new…
The Pride
September 7, 2010

The "Leave Your Mark" theme for Student Life and Leadership activities leads in Vol. 24, No. 2. The Communications and Mass Media program is declared…
The Pride
September 14, 2010

Vol. 24, No 3 looks at student loans, helpful information at the Health Expo and related healthy activities, the San Marcos Farmers Market, and a…
The Pride
September 21, 2010

The legalization of marijuana (Proposition 19) leads the Vol. 24, No. 4 edition. Also on the front page is the passage of Chelsea's Law. Other…
The Pride
October 5, 2010

A look at campus and local crime found in the annual Clery Report is found on the front page of Vol. 24, No. 5. Additional articles are found on…
The Pride
October 12, 2010

The October 7 "Day of Action" by faculty and students leads the stories in Vol. 24, No. 6. The first transfer and international students in 3 years…
The Pride
October 26, 2010

As October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, the paper features this topic on the front page of Vol. 24, No. 7. Good news is reflected in an increase…
Homecoming 2010
October 26, p.4

Coverage of the food and activities at the soccer games for homecoming.
The Pride
November 3, 2010

Politics, elections, and veterans are covered in Vol. 24, No. 8. Observation of Veterans' Day, women veterans, and CSUSM's recognition for being…
The Pride
November 16, 2010

Vol. 24, No. 9 reports on a campus lockdown due to unannounced student theatrical enactment. CFA responds to the impending tuition fee increase. The…
The Pride
November 23, 2010

Vol. 24, No. 10 includes stories on the FDA ruling on alcohol and caffeine-laced beverages, possibilities for credit card abuse, and difficulties in…
The Pride
December 7, 2010

Vol. 24, No. 11 looks at travel with new TSA restrictions, what tuition pays for, CSUSM student Holly Gerrity's prestigious scholarship for study in…
The Pride
January 25, 2011

Vol. 25, No. 1 announces the return of Commencement to campus from the Del Mar Fairgrounds, the opening of the Social and Behavioral Sciences…
The Pride
February 8, 2011

Egypt's political crisis is the featured front page story in Vol. 25, No. 2. Also sharing the front page, is the repeal of the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell"…
The Pride
February 15, 2011

Vol. 25, No. 3 covers a variety of news including internet security, unrest in Egypt, an alcohol-related student death, Black History Month, local…
The Pride
February 22, 2011

This issue (Vol. 25, No. 4) looks at reductions in student financial aid such as Pell Grants, the Kellogg Library, Language Learning Center, and…
The Pride
March 8, 2011

Vol. 25, No. 5 announces the finalists attending statewide academic research competitions, international travel and study opportunities, and a student…
The Pride
March 15, 2011

This issue (Vol. 25, No. 6) reports on the Japanese earthquake, Spring Fling cancellation and alternate plans, MidEast unrest, and online dating…
The Pride
March 29, 2011

Vol. 25, No. 7 interviews the next ASI President, Travis Wilson, looks at the potential impact of a cut to Planned Parenthood on student health,…
The Pride
April, 26, 2011

Vol. 25, No. 10 covers the CSU-wide protest to protect public education against budget cuts. The International Fair events are described along with…
The Pride
April 5, 2011

Front page news in Vol. 25, No. 8 is the NATO invasion of Libya and the restructuring from three to four Colleges. Other stories include Spring Break…
The Pride
April 12, 2011

This issue announces the CFA-sponsored Day of Class Action regarding the state of college education and student and staff rights. New minors in the…
The Pride
May 10, 2011

Vol. 25, No. 11 offers a guide for Commencement, news on a scholarship funded by President Haynes, an increase in parking fees, Pause for Paws stress…
The Pride
September 13, 2011

Vol. 28, No. 1 reports on the wide-area power outage, the state of women's sports at CSUSM, HIV testing, saving on textbook purchases, and student…
The Pride
September 27, 2011

Graduate student Lauren Holland is profiled as the recipient of the Hurst/CSU Trustee's Award, the CSU's highest honor and President Haynes calls for…
Homecoming 2011
September 27, p.4

Coverage of homecoming events mentions the first time the celebration includes a King and Queen. Article makes the claim this is the third homecoming…
The Pride
October 11, 2011

Homecoming and the crowning of the first king and queen is the lead story of Vol. 28, No. 3. The passing of Steve Jobs is noted, a variety of campus…
The Pride
October 25, 2011

Vol. 28, No. 4 features protests against the Koala, Halloween festivities and history, the rumor of the library being haunted, and the campus Improv…
The Pride
November 8, 2011

Vol 28, No. 5 includes stories on the campus emergency alert system, the Occupy movement, ROTC activities to mark Veteran's Day, and energy drinks.
The Pride
November 22, 2011

The joy of preparing for the holidays is dimmed by the news of a new tuition hike in Vol. 28, No. 6. A warning of another mountain lion sighting is…
The Pride
December 6, 2011

The last issue before winter break (Vol 28, No. 7) includes coverage of campus civility activities, a report of scamming activity, holiday observances…
The Pride
May 6, 1994

Winners of the united States President's Youth Service Awards are celebrated in the Vol. 1, No. 12 issue of The Pride.