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Vol. 28, No. 1 reports on the wide-area power outage, the state of women's sports at CSUSM, HIV testing, saving on textbook purchases, and student veterans.
Feature stories include Tukwut Leadership Awards, budget protests, the National Day of Silence, All People's Celebration, and yet another Recyclemania win.
Vol. 15, No. 2 covers Recyclemania, a textbook shortage at the bookstore, the campus crime report and police collaboration with public, upcoming Black History Month events, and interviews several students on how they are making it work while going to…
This first issue of the fall semester (Vol. 12, No. 1) features stories on Discount Campus Books, President Karen Haynes' plans for her first full year as president, back to school tips, and a feature on filmmaker Michael Moore.
The Challenger Disaster dominated the coverage of the Vol. 10x, No. 16 edition of The Pride. Some of the other stories inside the pages focused on budgetary issues, the faculty mentoring program, and the high cost of textbooks.
(Note: This year was…
San Marcos Skate Parks and the launch of an Inter-Continental Ballistic Missile (ICBM) from Vandenberg Air Force Base dominate the Vol. 10x, No. 4 edition of The Pride. Inside the pages is an article about the College Assistance to Migrants Program…