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The Cougar Chronicle
February 28, 2012
Volume 39, Number 3 of The Cougar Chronicle. The issue includes stories about the construction of the new Student Union, expired elevator permits, and plagiarism concerns.
The Cougar Chronicle
April, 3, 2012
Volume 39, Number 5 of Cougar Chronicle. The issue includes stories of student election scandal and new Internet privacy policy,
The Cougar Chronicle
September 12, 2012
Volume 40, Number 1 of The Cougar Chronicle. The issue includes stories of new fall courses, Board of Trustees appointment, and campus sports.
Tags: Board of Trustees, campus safety, courses, fall 2012, sports
The Cougar Chronicle
March 6, 2013
Volume 40, number 4 of The Cougar Chronicle. The issue includes stories of a tuition hike, a student election, and an interview with a new sociology professor.
The Cougar Chronicle
October 9, 2013
Volume 42, number 3 of The Cougar Chronicle. The issue includes stories of student safety during the holiday season, a CSUSM student arrested for a sextortion crime, and news of the new University Student Union.
The Cougar Chronicle
March 5, 2014
Volume 42, number 10 of The Cougar Chronicle. The issue includes stories of campus safety due to mountain lion sightings, the newly constructed University Student Union, and healthy eating.
The Pride
November 28, 2000
Vol. 8, No. 6 (note: this edition is misidentified as No. 6, it should be No. 13 of Volume 8) reports on disability awareness training, student safety, the meningitis vaccine, politics after the hanging chad, and how to start a campus club.
Tags: campus safety, disability awareness, fall 2000, health, politics
The Pride
March 20, 2001
Vol. 8, No. 22 reports on disaster and emergency preparedness, the opening of the National Latino Research Center, graduation tips, fee hike at the Early Learning Center, and the Harry Brakebill Distinguished Professor winner, Dr. Susie Cassell.
The Pride
September 23, 2003
Vol. 11, No. 2 reports on the delay of the new library opening, declining voter registration, the status of parking, campus safety, Disabled Student Services, and the Field House opening. A look at Proposition 54 is also provided.
The Pride
November 8, 2005
Vol. 14, No. 11 covers Veterans' Day celebration, a campus assault, approved tuition increase, flu pandemic, grade inflation, and expansion of University Village.
The Pride
November 22, 2005
Vol. 14, No. 13 covers the Model United Nations convening at CSUSM, CSU presidents' raises in light of student fee increases, local military families celebrating the holidays on campus before deployment, the Whiteness Forum, and campus security.
Tags: campus safety, fall 2005, fees, military, whiteness forum
The Pride
February 14, 2006
Vol. 15, No. 5 reports on barricades in the parking lot for pedestrian safety, film showing of "Invisible Children" and "No!", the work of the Chamber Champions, and the upcoming first Major and Internship Fair.
Tags: campus safety, internships, spring 2006
The Pride
February 19, 2008
The shooting at Northern Illinois University raises new calls for preparedness at CSUSM from campus Police, Other stories in Vol. 9, No. 5 include Greek Rush Week, on-campus religious debates, and events in politics.
Tags: campus safety, greek life, religion, spring 2008