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The Pride
November 9, 2004
Vol. 12, No. 11 covers a forum on the campus police, the 15th anniversary celebration, election events and watching, parking lot flooding, the Wang Family Award for teaching, tand he naming of the campus mascot (Crash).
The Pride
November 30, 2004
President Haynes meets in an open forum with students on campus policing, reporters check the statistics on campus arrests, student giving during the holidays and AIDS awareness.
Tags: AIDS, crime, fall 2004, University Police
The Pride
November 2, 2004
Vol. 12. No. 10 includes stories on political debates, racial profiling, cancellation of Pow Wow, Richard Sulpizio in "The Executive's Chair", Study Abroad, and Jam Control, CSUSM's hip hop dance team.
The Pride
November 15, 2005
Vol. 14, No. 12 reports on Veterans' Day activities, a teddy bear drive by University Police, Early Learning Center fundraiser, and an interview with alumnus Robert Woerheide, founder of Perigee Literary Journal.
The Pride
May 3, 2005
Vol. 13, No. 14 provides information on commencement preparations, the report from the Task Force on Campus Policing, and a study on student suicide prevention. Also included is an article on evaluating instructors and a list of all graduates.
The Pride
March 6, 2007
Vol. 17, No. 8 reports on the Tukwut Courtyard dedication, new online services from the Writing Center, the swearing in of the new campus police chief, and outreach to migrant workers.
Tags: outreach, spring 2007, tukwut, University Police, Writing Center
The Pride
January 30, 2007
This week's issue (Vol. 17, No. 2) reports on a student saved campus police officer's quick actions, the move of the Cross-Cultural Center, faculty wage protests, the new softball team, and the start of a new Recylemania competition.
Tags: faculty, Recyclemania, spring 2007, University Police
The Pride
January 18, 2005
Vol. 3, No. 1 covers the retirement announcement of Robert Schultheis, campus police chief and the new Library exhibit on Commodore Perry and Japan as well as provides tips for the new semester.
Tags: library, spring 2005, University Police
The Pride
February 25, 2003
Vol. 10x, No. 20 of The Pride has two articles about funding above the fold; the Federal Financial Aid deadline and the issues with the California budget cuts. Also affecting students is a story on the Instructionally Related Activities (IRA) Fee.…
The Pride
December 7, 2004
Vol. 12, No, 14 reports on the campus police forums, the Library Reading Room space, benefit for injured student, President Haynes in the classroom, upcoming whiteness forum, creative T-shirt making, and an interview with Campus Coffee owner, Tim…
The Pride
August 30, 2005
Vol. 14, No. 1 covers the new Citizen's Academy to improve campus/police relations, what students need to do at the beginning of the new semester, and the outlook for sports programming.
Tags: fall 2005, sports, University Police
The Cougar Chronicle
April 10, 2013
Volume 41, number 6 of The Cougar Chronicle. The issue includes stories of the ASI presidential election results, preparation for graduation, and student novelist.