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Text on advertisement : "We feature long-lasting Paul Ecke Poinsettias."
From left to right: Lars Henriksen (general manager, PLA International, owned by the Paul Ecke Ranch), Ron Cramer (Paul Ecke Ranch), Paul Ecke III. Far right: Franz Fruehwirth (head poinsettia breeder, Paul Ecke Ranch).
Paul Ecke III (left) at the PLA booth at the Essen Trade Show in Germany. PLA was an Ecke company based in Denmark that managed licensing for poinsettias and other crops around the world.
From left to right: Peter Fitzpatrick (family dentist, Encinitas), John Barrett (sp.), attorney and family friend, Lola Larson, and Paul Ecke Jr. Lola and Paul went to elementary school together. The group is pictured with a YMCA award.
Paul Ecke Jr. (right). The picture was taken on the Paul Ecke Ranch in what were animal pens from the time Paul Ecke Jr.'s children were young and in 4-H. The pens and barn were eventually used as a growing area, with the barn built like a…
Paul Ecke, Jr. (second from left). The group is sporting Paul Ecke Ranch trucker hats.
Paul and Magdalena Ecke moved into their "new" (second) house on the Ecke Ranch, Encinitas, CA in 1957. This is the same house he passed away in at age 96.
Paul Ecke Sr.'s 80th birthday party in Barn 2, the Paul Ecke Ranch, Encinitas, CA.
Paul Ecke Sr., Magdalena Ecke and Mildred Macphearson (friend) in Hawaii.
Picture taken at Paul Ecke Sr. and Magdalena Ecke's house. Front row, left to right: Paul Ecke Sr. in red shirt, Magdalena Ecke, unidentified, unidentified, Mildred MacPherson (Magdalena's best friend), Connie Von Herzen (Paul Sr's childhood friend…
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