Paul Ecke Jr. (right). The picture was taken on the Paul Ecke Ranch in what were animal pens from the time Paul Ecke Jr.'s children were young and in 4-H. The pens and barn were eventually used as a growing area, with the barn built like a…
Picture taken at the Del Mar Fair Garden Show (renamed the Paul Ecke Jr. Garden Show) with Paul Ecke Jr. presumably awarding the Paul Ecke Sr. Award to the winner.
Paul Ecke Jr. and an unidentified person, presumably a member of the Japanese Poinsettia Grower delegation. Picture taken in the Paul Ecke Ranch greenhouses in Encinitas, CA.
Picture taken south of the Encinitas Ranch House (in the background). Poinsettia bare root stock was dipped in mercury to kill any pathogens or pests prior to shipping the stock across the country by rail.
Paul Ecke Jr. at the San Diego International Floral Trade Center, Carlsbad. The Center was owned and developed by Carltas, the Ecke family real estate company.