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The Cougar Chronicle
April 22, 2015
NOT YET DIGITIZED, please contact University Archives. Volume 43, No. 13 covers race, ethnicity and gender issues by looking at Yom HaShoah events, including the White Rose Memorial, the Red Flag Campaign for sexual assault awareness, and the release…
Tags: LGBTA, sexual assault, spring 2015, Yom HaShoa'h
The Cougar Chronicle
April 22, 2015
Volume 43, issue 13 features key stories on Gay Pride events, Yom HaShoah and the White Rose Memorial, and campus sexual violence awareness.
The Cougar Chronicle
April 8, 2015
Volume 43, number 12 of The Cougar Chronicle. The issue is a 25th Anniversary edition of CSUSM. Other topics include stories of the campus Model United Nations winning a national competition, faculty pay inequity, and a student demonstration…
The Cougar Chronicle
February 18, 2015
Volume 43, number 9 of The Cougar Chronicle. The issue is a Black History Month Edition. Other topics include the announcement of ACE Scholars and a candlelight vigil for students killed in Chapel Hill, North Carolina.
The Cougar Chronicle
February 4, 2015
Volume 43, number 8 of The Cougar Chronicle. The issue includes stories of the Student Health and Counseling Services returning to campus and the announcement of the Raza Center for Latino students opening later in the year.
The Cougar Chronicle
March 18, 2015
Volume 43, number 11 of The Cougar Chronicle. The issue is a Herstory, Women's History Month edition. Other topics include faculty salary inequities, the Student Access Initiative, and President Haynes' award for female leadership.
The Cougar Chronicle
March 4, 2015
Volume 43, number 10 of The Cougar Chronicle. The issue is a sustainability edition, including other topics pertaining to diversity, and the passing of a student.
The Cougar Chronicle
May 6, 2015
NOT YET DIGITIZED, please contact University Archives. Volume 43, No. 14 is the final issue of the academic year, with articles on Commencement, a review of the ACE Scholar program, official recognition of KPDL (Knowledge, Perseverance, Diversity and…
Tags: ACE Scholars, Commencement, greek life, spring 2015
The Cougar Chronicle
May 6, 2015
Issue 14 of Volume 43 provides the spring Commencement schedule, the year in review of the ACE Scholars program, and the founding of KDPL Asian/Pacific Islander sorority. A number of graduating student profiles are included.