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This issue of The Pride (Vol. 10x, No. 11) has a focus on the Arts. The Women's Rites Symposium ended with a showing of the documentary film, "Señorita Extraviada / Missing Young Women" and the guest speaker for "Inside the Executive's Chair" talked…
Vol. 12. No. 10 includes stories on political debates, racial profiling, cancellation of Pow Wow, Richard Sulpizio in "The Executive's Chair", Study Abroad, and Jam Control, CSUSM's hip hop dance team.
Parking, Discount Campus Books, a new mobile campus command post, and an exploding light fixture are on the front page of Vol. 13, No. 4. The investigation of the allegation of racial profiling by campus police makes this issue as well.
Vol. 13, No. 5 includes an interview with the student at the center of the racial profiling incident, issues with advising services, Valentine's Day activities, student health, Black History month fashion show, and food services.
Articles on racial profiling case, continued campus and nearby construction, renovation of Craven Hall, and Rush Week. Politics are represented in articles on voter registration and Constitution Day, and additional articles are on the new school flag…