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  • Tags: graduation

The Vol. 9, No. 2 edition of The Pride reports on the campus computer upgrade, welcome week, and the ASI board meeting. Del Mar Fairgrounds was selected as the venue for graduation.

Vol. 20, No. 12 (this issue should be No. 13 of Vol. 20) announce a graduation reception for fall COAS graduates, the winner of Mr. Alpha Chi and the Women's Studies activism project presentations.

Ride sharing, social issues, and the CSU's procurement of PeopleSoft, along with a list of the graduating seniors finish out the Vol. 10x, No. 29 edition of The Pride for Spring 2003. (Note: This year was misidentified as Vol. 10 It should have been…

The first Harry E. Brakebill Distinguished Professor is revealed in the Vol. 5, No. 12 edition of The Pride.

Volume 21, number 5 of The Pride. The issue includes extended articles about the recession, high tuition fees, and personal finance.

Growing pains on campus in the Registration and Administration areas, the Fall Graduation Reception, and international education are featured in the Vol. 10x, No. 13 edition of The Pride. (Note: This year was misidentified as Vol. 10 It should have…

Vol. 9. No. 1 of The Pride questions the upcoming graduation location, construction damage, and the second Guelaguetza Festival.

Vol. 15, No. 14 announces the upcoming protest and boycott regarding HR-4437 on immigration, preparations for the African American student recognition ceremony, and the Day of Silence for gay rights. Other articles include the technology resources in…

Volume 42, number 3 of The Cougar Chronicle. The issue includes stories of student safety during the holiday season, a CSUSM student arrested for a sextortion crime, and news of the new University Student Union.

Volume 41, number 8 of The Cougar Chronicle. The issue includes stories of the construction of a Student Health and Counseling Services building, the DREAM Act, and a racist incident.

Volume 42, number 14 of The Cougar Chronicle. The majority of the stories in the issue were related to graduation; including President Hayes' message, a list of graduates, and senior profiles.

Volume 39, Number 7 of The Cougar Chronicle. The issue includes stories of the ASI election and graduation.

Volume 41, number 6 of The Cougar Chronicle. The issue includes stories of the ASI presidential election results, preparation for graduation, and student novelist.
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