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Vol. 8, No. 6 covers LGBQT CSUSM experiences, interviews new Dean of Students Jonathan Poullard, local sites of interest such as Jack's Pond, Cougar Cross Country, and upcoming propositions.
The Vol. 15, No. 7 issue promotes the upcoming Spring Fling dance, the student research competition, parking issues, and the opening (and rumors) of Markstein Hall to classes. A focus article is provided on the LGBTA Club.
Vol. 15, No. 10 features stories on a contentious visit by an Iraqi speaker, the LGBTA-sponsored drag show, the Crash Awards for student service, and ASI election results.
Vol. 15, No. 11 features articles on demonstrations about gay marriage rights and violence against women, as well as a congressional forum, upcoming International Fair, and gender awareness awards.
Vol. 15, No. 14 announces the upcoming protest and boycott regarding HR-4437 on immigration, preparations for the African American student recognition ceremony, and the Day of Silence for gay rights. Other articles include the technology resources in…
Vol. 15, No. 10 alerts the reader to an upcoming cancer awareness workshop, the move of the LGBTA Club's Multicultural Center to Craven Hall, availability of cable TV on all campus computers, and a visit by Tijuana college students.
A candlelight vigil at the Cesar Chavez statue, Take Back the Night, and Sleepless in San Diego are all evening events reported in Vol. 19, No. 12. Additional stories are the opening of the LGBTQ Center and the annual Job Fair.