Picture taken presumably at the Del Mar Fair. From left to right: Tim Fennell's wife (Tim was the CEO/General Manager of the Del Mar Fair Grounds), Paul Ecke, Jr., and unidentified person. Paul Ecke, Jr. was on the Del Mar Fair Board for eight years…
Paul Ecke Jr. (right). The picture was taken on the Paul Ecke Ranch in what were animal pens from the time Paul Ecke Jr.'s children were young and in 4-H. The pens and barn were eventually used as a growing area, with the barn built like a…
Group photograph. Middle row, left to right: Sue Kint, Chairman Ha's wife, Chairman Ha, Paul Ecke, Jr., David Meyer, ?. Front row, left to right: Lizbeth Ecke, Elisabeth "Jinx" Ecke
Black and white picture of Paul Ecke, Jr., Elisabeth "Jinx" Ecke, Paul Ecke III, Lizbeth Ecke, Sara Ecke. Picture originally found in scrapbook 2 in The Paul Ecke Ranch, Inc. Business Records and Family Papers.