Mel Maurer, Magdalena Ecke's brother. This photograph was displayed in the Ecke Ranch house with photographs of other family friends. At the bottom right of the photograph it says: "To Paul Jr. With best regards, Uncle Mel"
From left to right: Esther Maurer (Magdalena Ecke's sister), Paul Ecke Sr., Magdalena Ecke. Behind: Clara Muerdtrer (Magdalena Ecke's sister). The picture was taken at a Bon Voyage party for a trip to Europe.
From left to right: Clara Maurer Muerdter, Ruth Maurer Vogel (white earings), Ben Maurer (in the back), Esther Maurer (brown plaid jacket), Paul Ecke Sr., Sue Harper, Billie Maurer (Ben Maurer's wife in white sweater, behind Sue). This picture was…