From left to right: Sue Kint, Paul Ecke Jr., Maureen Ecke (Paul's wife), Sue Kint's nephew. Sue was a Carltas Company business connection and Korean investor in one of the Carlsbad Projects.
Paul Ecke Jr. (left), Alex Szekely (center, CEO, Golden Door Spa, Escondio), and Bob Vice (right, Chairman, California Farm Bureau). All three were directors of the 22nd District of Agriculture (the Del Mar Fair Board). The picture was taken…
Paul Ecke Jr. (right). The picture was taken on the Paul Ecke Ranch in what were animal pens from the time Paul Ecke Jr.'s children were young and in 4-H. The pens and barn were eventually used as a growing area, with the barn built like a…
Paul Ecke Sr. and Herman Weigand were long-time friends and considered by some to be Encinitas Pioneers. Picture taken at a 4-H event at Walt and Miti Beljean's house, Leucadia, CA.
From left to right: unidentified man, Sara Ecke May, Paul Ecke Jr., Manabu Kurashima (agent of the Paul Ecke Ranch in Japan), Kimie Kurashima (his wife), Magdalena Ecke.