Paul Ecke III (left) at the PLA booth at the Essen Trade Show in Germany. PLA was an Ecke company based in Denmark that managed licensing for poinsettias and other crops around the world.
Paul Ecke III (center), Mrs. Amelita Ramos, first lady of the Philippines (wife of Fidel Ramos), and Paul Ecke Jr. (right), with the rest of the delegation from the Philippines.
Presumably members of the Hegg family (daughters of Franz Hegg), Norway. The Hegg family were partners of the Ecke Ranch in Europe for plant licensing.
From left to right: Jim Mellano of Mellano and Company, Maureen Ecke (Paul Jr.'s wife), and Paul Ecke Jr. First the right: Bob Otsuka, market manager for the San Francisco Flower Market, H. Michael Mellano of Mellano and Company, ?, Monica Mellano,…