Currently being processed. Oral history recorded 2017-03-08 at The Craft Beer Attorney office in San Diego. Moon is founder of The Craft Beer Attorney, specializing in beer law and member of the Pink Boots Society.
Currently being processed. Oral history recorded 2017-08-01 at offices of Moore & Skilijan in Carlsbad, CA. Moore is member and general counsel for the San Diego Brewers Guild.
Currently in process. Oral history by Virginia Morrison recorded 2017-03-17 at Second Chance Beer Company, San Diego, CA. Morrison is the co-founder and co-owner of Second Chance Beer Company with her husband/brewer Marty Mendiola.
Currently in process. Oral history by Amy Spackman recorded 2017-02-23 at Mission Brewery. At the time of the interview, Spackman was the Mission Brewery Tour Director. She is now in a similar position at Karl Strauss Brewing.
Currently in process. Oral history by Lynda Cull recorded 2017-05-11 at Stone World Bistro and Gardens, Escondido, CA. Cull is a homebrewer and financial consultant specializing in the beer industry.
Currently in process. Oral history by Pat and Val McIllhenney recorded 2017-07-07 at Alpine Tavern in Alpine, CA. They founded Alpine Beer Company and Pat started with homebrewing and was a member of QUAFF.
Currently in process. Oral history by Alec Johnson recorded 2017-07-05 at Shirts on Tap, San Diego. Johnson is the co-founder and co-owner of Shirts on Tap, a shirt-of-the-month subscription service.
Currently in process. Oral history by Stephanie Eppig recorded 2017-06-27 at J&L Eppig Brewing. Eppig is the co-founder and co-owner of the brewery, named after family members who brewed during Prohibition.
Currently in process. Oral history by Greg Lorton recorded 2017-05-30 at California State University San Marcos. Lorton is a homebrewer and former president of QUAFF.
There are a number of organizations in San Diego County for both home and professional brewers and breweries. This list is compiled from a variety of sources. Any updates or corrections are welcome.
Oral history by Jeff and Dande Bagby recorded 2018-02-21 at Bagby Beer Company, Oceanside, CA. Jeff has worked in various capacities at Stone Brewing, Stuft Pizza, White Labs and Pizza Port and continues to judge brewing competitions. Dande came from…
Recorded 2017-07-09 with Mary Anne Bixby and Greg Lorton at Burning Beard Brewery in El Cajon. Link is a long-time homebrewer, early member and past-President of the Quality Ale and Fermentation Fraternity (QUAFF) in San Diego. Regular contributor to…
Recorded with Rich Link and Greg Lorton at Burning Beard Brewery, El Cajon, CA. Bixby is a homebrewer and long-time member of the Quality Ale and Fermentation Fraternity (QUAFF.)
Currently in process. Ulrich is Small Batch Brewer at Stone Brewing Company, Escondido, CA. She is an early member of the Pink Boots Society, the international organization for women professionals in the brewing industry and is currently President,…
Currently in process. Recorded at Intergalactic Brewing, San Diego, CA. Harold is considered the historian for the Quality Ale and Fermentation Fraternity (QUAFF) based on his 20+ years of membership. JoAnne contributed details and recalled 'Brother'…
Currently in process. Recorded at Stone Brewing Headquarters, Escondido, CA. Steve is the co-founder, original brewmaster and currently President of Stone Brewing. In this interview, Steve talks about his experiences as a brewer, the establishment of…
Currently in process. Recorded at Ocean Beach Brewery [AKA OB Brewery], San Diego, CA. Jim is the head brewer at OB Brewery and had just returned from Denver, CO after the brewery won the GABF Best Small Brewery award for 2018. Jim recounts his…
Currently in process. Recorded at Bruski's Burgers and Brews, San Diego, CA. Alex is founder of the now-closed Intergalactic Brewing Company, San DIego, CA. In this interview, he recounts his history as a brewer, the difficulties in brewery…