Recorded with Rich Link and Greg Lorton at Burning Beard Brewery, El Cajon, CA. Bixby is a homebrewer and long-time member of the Quality Ale and Fermentation Fraternity (QUAFF.)
Association newsletters July-August 2001 under Greg Lorton's editorship. Extra issue published between July and August to announce QUAFF's win of American Homebrewer's Association Club of the Year.
Currently in process. Oral history by Greg Lorton recorded 2017-05-30 at California State University San Marcos. Lorton is a homebrewer and former president of QUAFF.
Judging results from America's Finest City Homebrew Competition for homebrewed beers and ciders circa 1994. Initals "B.O.S." on first sheet denotes "Best of Show". Five entries each scored 2 or 3 times for a total of 12 score sheets.