Links and scanned documents regarding brewery operations, restrictions, and shut down orders from the State of California and San Diego County. Also includes resources provided by non-governmental organizations.
Excel spreadsheet of fermented/distilled beverage manufacturers, tasting rooms and bottle shops' hours and services during the COVID-19 period. Provides information on status, hours, delivery options and more. Resource is continually updated. This…
Currently being processed. Oral history recorded 2021-03-20 at Nickel Beer in Julian, CA. Nickel is founder and brewer of Nickel Beer as well as partnerships in O'Brien's Pub (San Diego) and West Coast Smoke and Tap House (La Mesa.) His involvement…
Timeline recounting San Diego brewery activity from 1868-present. History is broken into 'waves' of First wave 1868-1919, Second wave 1920-1953, Third wave 1980s-early 2020, Fourth wave 2020-present. Additional timeline of COVID-19 legislation and…
Goldenrod quarter-sheet flyer with homebrew-scale recipes from Brewers Publications' "Winners Circle" book on one side. Information to purchase book and American Homebrewers Association membership on reverse.