From left to right: Andy Higgins (President, Paul Ecke Ranch, Paul Ecke de Guatemala), PEG employee, Andor Gerendas (head engineer, PEG), grower PEG, and Byron Calderon, (general manager, PEG).
Photographed at the Encinitas Train Station, in downtown Encinitas. The station was subsequently moved to Leucadia. Second from left: Charlie McCarver. Behind Charlie: Ernie Ruth.
From left to right: unidentified man, Sara Ecke May, Paul Ecke Jr., Manabu Kurashima (agent of the Paul Ecke Ranch in Japan), Kimie Kurashima (his wife), Magdalena Ecke.
From left to right: Jamie Kitz (sales representative for Paul Ecke Ranch), Ricardo Campos (General Manger of Paul Ecke de Guatemala), Laurie Scullin (sales and marketing manager of Paul Ecke Ranch), and Joe _ (sales representative for Paul Ecke…