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  • Collection: Business records

Paul Ecke Jr. (front, center). The Japanese Poinsettia Association (JPA) was formed to get royalty income from Japan before a plant patent protection system was in place. Growers paid royalty to be able to grow Ecke poinsettia varieties, and got…

Paul Ecke Jr. (front, third from left), Dr. Harry Tayama, professor at Ohio State University, and Bob Maddux, friend and customer of the Paul Ecke Ranch.

Paul Ecke Jr. presenting the ranunculus photograph to Edwin Frazee and his wife.

Paul Ecke Jr. and the Ranch trailer used to haul 4-H animals to the Del Mar Fair. The display sign was created by the Society of American Florists to promote the flower industry.

Paul Ecke Jr. promoting poinsettias on the Dinah Shore Show. The Ranch had to bloom poinsettias out of season to be featured on holiday shows as most Christmas shows were filmed in the preceding summer or fall.

Paul Ecke III and Amelita Ramos, former first lady of the Philippines during her visit to the Paul Ecke Ranch, Inc..

President Gerald Ford, Paul Ecke Jr. at a Society of American Florists event.

Paul Ecke III with Ecke Ranch employees at an employee recognition event.

Julie Hampton (Paul Ecke III's wife), Jay Leno and Paul Ecke III.

Franz Freuwirth, Poinsettia breeder for the Paul Ecke Ranch, standing in the greenhouse where he did much of the breeding.

Paul Ecke Jr. in the Paul Ecke Greenhouses in Encinitas, CA
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